Hannah Hart’s Getting Drunk, Sans Kitchen

Well hello! This week, the internet’s favorite drunk chef Hannah Hart celebrated Leap Day and got drunk with some other funny internet ladies! Instead of going the traditional cooking-catastrophe route, Harto teamed up with the Shamikah and Molly, the two comedians who run the YouTube channel emotistyle. Because emotistyle is about having a lot of emotion and a lot of style, Molly and Shamikah (of The Candy Slice Girls) worked with Harto to help her harness her emotions and channel them into appropriate styles for different kinds of dates. She wears a suit and gets really bashful, you’ll like it.

[yframe url=’https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DRrNwgxbiM’]

Also, the bonus video includes everyone being super drunk and Hannah admitting that she wants all the girls, and their other collaborative video includes Harto dancing to Rod Stewart while wearing a gorilla suit. Just so you are aware.

We’re big Candy Slice Girls fans around here, obviously — they were featured guests at the 2010 Rodeo Disco, are featured in an Autostraddle ad campaign and did an interview/photoshoot with Robin in 2009!

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Intern Grace

Grace Ellis has been writing and making hack-job graphics for Autostraddle since 2011 and is a co-creator and co-writer of the comic book series Lumberjanes. She is mostly an intern in name only. (Mostly.) She lives in Columbus, Ohio because why anything. Also, she wants to write the Black Widow movie and feels like if she just keeps telling people, eventually she will be allowed to do it. She has a Twitter and a Tumblr, both of which are pretty above average.

Grace has written 89 articles for us.


  1. Well if Hannah says she wants all of the girls, and as I am a girl, that technically means she wants me and therefore just asked me out? Yeah? Sweeet.

  2. Secretly all lesbians with a crush on Hannah Harto really only watched this video to see what Hannah’s type is. BRB changing my career to lawyer/doctor.

  3. “Do you feel like if BeyoncĂ© were to walk into the room right now, that you would be ready to be all that you can be?”

    THIS is my Look Selection Flowchart of life.

  4. Eeek! All of the feelings! Also, my girlfriend really is a doctor and our favorite thing is staying home, so I’m wondering how I would pull off a Cuddle-Boss look. Time to go raid my closet ;)

  5. Weird…that’s exactly what I do when I meet a girl I’m attracted to. WE LIKE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON

    • the appearance of the actual gif in this comment is brought to you by magical fairies and the autostraddle community managerettes

  6. I just watched her latest Vlog and she announced FELICIA DAY will guest star in a future My Drunk Kitchen.

    My pants disintegrated.

  7. okay honestly hannah hart and I don’t know the extent to which we were made for each other. i also cannot talk to people i’m attracted to and i may or may not be busy all the time/drink when i’m not busy. blurgh. #futurewife #oopsheteronormativity #futurepartner

  8. I’m late on the Harto bandwagon, having only heard about her…two weeks ago, from my friend and from the lovely Jenna Marbles in passing. And I shall definitely follow that Tumblr.

    Neh, I shall chase it.

  9. I think my heart stopped beating when Harto came out in that Boss Applesauce outfit. Holy shit I can’t believe I’m meeting her in 2 months @_@.

  10. Hannah wants all the girls? I cheered and hoped she’d make a reference to polyamory. :D

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