Guessing Game: Masc Rhythms

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Sally lives in the UK. Her work has been featured in a Korean magazine about queer people and their pets, and a book about haunted prisons. She never intended for any of this to happen.

Sally has written 81 articles for us.


  1. Masc Rhythms

    • Masc Rhythms

      Feel so sexy rn

  2. Masc Rhythms

  3. Woot!

    Masc Rhythms

  4. y’all.. tell me why my second-to-last guess on the first column was “scone” what is wrong with me

    Masc Rhythms

  5. loooove it!


  6. Masc Rhythms

    1:39! Once I got the first word it was easy! My first guess on the first word was “strap” lmao

  7. Masc Rhythms



  8. My first guess on word was was actually the answer to word two – I was on the right track from the start I guess!

    Masc Rhythms

  9. Masc Rhythms

    3 minutes! i got stumped at first

  10. aww i like these puzzles!

    Masc Rhythms

  11. Thanks these are really fun. Would you consider putting the clue in the comments instead of the title? It’s sometimes too easy knowing the clue and I’d rather have the option to look or not look. Thanks for considering.

  12. 2 minutes 40 seconds! Once I figured out the last word it was instant realization.

    Masc Rhythms

  13. Masc Rhythms

    This took a few minutes, but I got it! :) Very nice, and the title clue helps.

  14. Masc Rhythms

    I’m delighted! This is my first time playing a puzzle on Autostraddle

  15. Hi-just as a heads up, I have an older phone with a smaller screen (iphone SE 2nd gen) and it cuts off the screen in a funky way where I can’t see the first row of words. It’s not a huge deal but wanted to bring it to attention if you didn’t know

  16. Masc Rhythms
    26 seconds!

  17. Masc Rhythms

  18. Some days I stare and can’t even think of any word with the right number of letters, and some days it takes 15 seconds
    Masc Rhythms

  19. Masc Rhythms

  20. Great news re: Stone Butch Blues- it was recently reprinted! The link to buy copies is on Leslie’s website.

    & the link itself

    I emailed my library a few weeks ago to suggest they get a copy and I guess they put it on hold for me because got an automated text this week that it arrived :’)

    • As soon as I got the first word <3


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