Charmed’s Finale Betrays Its Magically Queer First Season

I’m not sure what happened with Charmed.

Going into Sunday night’s finale, I didn’t have a lot of expectations. I assumed that Macy, the eldest Vera sister, would finally conquer her demon side and turn back to light magic. I took it as a given that Mel, the middle sister and our resident lesbian witch, would come to a romantic ender of her season long arc with her ex-girlfriend, Niko – or at least a conclusion that was emotionally resonant and made sense given the epic tale told between them all season. In my wildest dreams I hoped that Jada, Mel’s other ex-girlfriend, would show up in the last battle of the year to help defeat the Source of All Evil and defend her legacy as the last surviving member of the S’Arcana Sisterhood. Jada’s unceremonious exit from the series four episodes ago was not only a disservice to her character and the queer love triangle that had been one of Charmed’s driving motivations all season, it was also a weak storytelling choice. I’d hoped that the writers would use the Season One finale to remedy that decision.

In the end, only one of those three predictions happened – and it wasn’t either of the two gay ones. Macy’s struggle to find balance between her witch and demon powers was one of the most engaging and low simmering magic arcs in the back half of the season. In a surprise move during the penultimate episode, she decided to embody the Source of All Evil and use it for good in order to help her sisters fight off the dawning of the apocalypse.

Now, thanks to the Source, Macy’s powers are unmatched by any other living magical being. She’s become a danger. Mel and Maggie rush to save their sister’s soul as the plot moves forward at a dizzying pace. Timelines are crossed back and rewritten over and over again, settings are pushed through with little consequence. Madeleine Mantock delivers a gripping performance as Macy gets lost in her own dark madness, arguably the best of the season, but everything around her feels more than a little slapped together. Perhaps this final episode should have spanned two hours, it certainly could have benefitted from the extra time.

Predictably Macy is saved in just enough time for a classic Vera sisters hug to close out the season, but that didn’t solve the most glaring storytelling flaw. Despite being a prominent reoccurring character all season, Mel’s lasting love interest, and a key figure in the penultimate episode, Niko Hamada has less than 90 seconds of screen time in the Season One finale. Her absence is keenly felt in part because the other two sisters’ straight love interests are weaved throughout the hour, but also because she’s been uniquely tied to the entirety of Mel’s first season storyline. Without Niko’s presence, Mel’s arc ends on a mostly hollow note.

Ultimately, watching Macy play with life and death at a whim confirms for Mel that her early season decision (forced upon her by The Elders) to wipe Niko’s memory without her consent was wrong. She’s known it for a while, especially as it came into sharper focus that the “trusted” Elders had ulterior motives of their own. Then, after confessing the truth to Niko, Mel’s forced to deal with the emotional and physical aftermath of her choice. First Niko runs away horrified, then Niko ends up in the hospital hemorrhaging from the brain as her memories start to collide into one another.

The finale doesn’t adequately explain how Niko’s brain hemorrhaging stops (I presume it happened when Macy’s ex-boyfriend, Galvin, originally sacrificed himself to save the world). They don’t show us what happens after she’s released from the hospital or the fallout of her relationship with her current fiancée, Greta. The only time we see her is when Mel silently visits her from across the street in the finale’s last minutes.

Niko is sitting by herself outside a coffee house, reading a book, when she looks up to see her ex-girlfriend. Mel stops time, but Niko keeps moving – a sign that she’s still wearing her protection ring. Niko waves, but Mel releases her spell just in time for a truck to move in between them. When the truck passes, Mel is gone.

It’s poignant, sweet even, that Mel only wanted to make sure that Niko had protection before walking out of her life completely. She told her sisters that she’d wreaked enough havoc in Niko’s life. The best thing she could do at this point was to leave her alone. The real problem is that once again, she makes this life altering decision for Niko without talking to her about it. By only including Niko in the episode’s final moments, the writers rob Mel of a chance to demonstrate real character growth. It’s disappointing.

Charmed began its first season as a stand out. In a relatively crowded fall for lesbian and bisexual television, Charmed promised not only a lesbian Latina lead character, but placed her romantic life at the center of the show starting directly from its pilot episode. Mel’s decision to erase Niko’s memories was one of the first emotional catalysts propelling the show forward. Returning from its winter hiatus, Charmed doubled down on its commitment to queer women of color representation on screen by placing Mel in the middle of a love triangle between Niko and Jada! It was fun and silly, but somehow also evocative and mature. For most of 2019, every Sunday viewers could watch three women of color, each with their own fully developed personalities and motivations, circle around each other in believable, grounded tension despite all the witchcraft. I personally lauded the storyline for those very reasons. It was a spark. I suppose, like all sparks, that means it would eventually have to end.

The decision to write Jada out of the show as a nothing more than a mere afterthought was the first signal to me that Charmed was heading in a direction I doubted. Still, I held faith. Mel and Niko have always been star-crossed lovers, the tropes of television had long prescribed them as destined for each other. Choosing to treat Niko with such carelessness in the finale episode cemented the growing unease in my stomach.

Charmed has already been renewed for a second season, however with a new showrunner and promise to “to lean harder into its supernatural storylines and less into the family dynamic.” Given what’s happened over the last batch of episodes, and particularly the finale, it’s hard not to read “less into the family dynamic” as less time with the Vera’s personal lives – and for Mel, less gay. I hope my predictions are incorrect, but its nonetheless worrisome. Charmed decided to get serious about its magic, and along the way it has already forgotten to have fun. It’s forgotten everything that began the season as campy, addictive, feminist, silly and yes – the greatness of centering queer women of color in the middle of all. I hope they remember their roots before September rolls around.

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


  1. Thanks for putting into words everything I felt watching the finale. Has it been confirmed that Jada and Niko have been written out of the show?

  2. Ugh, this is so disappointing and infuriating. And I am not hopeful for the second season; I didn’t know they got a new showrunner and said they will spend less time on the family dynamic. Boooooo

  3. I didn’t understand the finale with Niko and Mel: was that supposed to be a FINAL goodbye, or was it left open to explore their relationship more? And 100% spot on with Jada! Where did she go?

    The finale to me was weird all around, I felt like the second to last trip was a great finale, and the finale felt like a season 2 premiere…

    I really love this show, I’ve been trying to get everyone to watch it and I think it really was fantastic towards the end. But yes, Mel, Niko, and Jada deserve better.

    Do we think that these show writers and creators know how much a big base they have with queer women? I guess we shall see.

  4. i doubt we’ve seen the last of niko–or jada, for that matter. jada’s background has far too many implications in terms of broader worldbuilding. not bringing her back would be a genuine disservice to her character as well as the lore of the show.

    niko and mel’s “goodbye” didn’t feel like closure by any means, and i think mel’s inability to confront niko during that last scene shows that she’s not ready to give up on them no matter how much she might claim she wants to. although she had good reasons, mel did something really bad to niko by wiping her memory, and it’s going to be a long road for them if they truly are going to end up together. considering all of the thematic content around how the truth will play out and the universe will right itself, i do think they’ll find their way back to each other. i’d rather it be complicated and messy and span several seasons than get tied up neatly and superficially.

    this whole first season felt like three separate seasons, to be honest. all of the episodic, monster-of-the-week stuff and the sister/mother drama felt appropriate to the establishing season of a supernatural show, but i think the fall of the elder council would have had more impact later on. for me, that plot would have had more impact in, say, season 2 or 3 after getting developed more. the show never really *showed* the council’s role in the world beyond wearing matching dramatic outfits.

    as for the Source of all magic and evil…whoa. season 1? for real? macey’s emotional arc ultimately (kinda) made sense in terms of her own abandonment trauma and not feeling like she belonged with her sisters, but i feel like they blew through a whole lot of character drama really quickly. compared to everything we’ve seen so far, the season 2 hook at the end of the season was lackluster. i’m excited for season 2, but i wish they’d included a teaser for the next big bad. after battling the literal Source of magic, the charmed ones are going to become…magical administrators? i guess paperwork could be another embodiment of the source of all evil.

    anyway i’ll be praying for more gay in season 2

    • This whole comment is excellent and I am amused and agree that “the show never really *showed* the council’s role in the world beyond wearing matching dramatic outfits.”

  5. dear god I hope no one ever says the words “more supernatural, less family dynamic” to the Legends

  6. Niko hemorrhaging was related to the history rewriting spell Mel used on her & then telling her about her past. Macy says Niko will be fine in the penultimate episode of the season so she’s the one that healed Niko. The last timeline of the last episode also starts with Macy saying Niko will be fine. Niko hemorrhaging was never because of the harbinger virus like all the other patients Gavin sacrificed himself for.

  7. This headline has me on edge so I’m not reading this nor any of the comments yet until after I’ve seen the episode. Argh ! I’ve never scrolled down so fast on a web page in my life !

  8. I enjoyed maybe the first half of this episode. I think for me what was disappointing was the wrap up of Macy and Mel’s arc. Macy and Maggie have bonded a lot more over the course of the season, and Mel and Maggie grew up together. The fact that Macy and Mel’s sister relationship was an insecurity to Macy rang true, and I would have like to have seen it explored more. It was dropped quickly/never really talked about in depth.

    My favorite part of this show is the family dynamics! Relationships between the sisters, Mel and Niko (and Jada!), and I enjoyed the straight ships, too. So it’s a bit disappointing to hear that they are going to focus more on the supernatural next season.

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