Business Of Art Fix #11: A Brand New “Bitch” and Giving Your Money To Women

Welcome to the eleventh “This Business of Art / Media / Web Fix,” in which I share with you things I read that I loved relating to the work I do here — online media, business, entrepreneurship, women in tech, start-ups, journalism, publishing, management, queer visibility, and so forth. You can expect this sucker to drop every-other Wednesday.

This Business of Online Media


+ Bitch Magazine, one of my top five favorite magazines of all time, has revamped their website to fully bring their publication into the digital age:

The new is the culmination of several years of work to situate Bitch Media as a thought-leader and go-to feminist media organization online. We have a staff of eleven (we’ve grown by more than one-third since the redesign began!) and we’ve all had a hand in the design of this site, which not only does a better job of showcasing our writers and engaging our readers but also, and very importantly for a nonprofit media organization, strengthens our unique business model, which relies on subscriptionssponsorship, and, the B-Hive, our critically important membership program.

Ad Blocker adoption is rising steeply, which The New York Times points out “could prove catastrophic for the economic structure underlying the web” but could also force the ad industry to “produce ads that are simpler, less invasive, and are far more transparent about the way they’re handling our data — or risk getting blocked forever if they fail.” Apple’s newest mobile operating system, set to debut this fall, will be the first to support mobile ad blocking, which is understandably alarming to sites supported solely by advertising revenue. I understand why people use Ad Blockers on sites that run intrusive ad types (Autostraddle does not run pop-ups, skins, or any ads that block content or obscure your ability to read the site and we’ve also forbidden our ad network from running auto-play ads with sound, although they sometimes still do that anyhow and we have to send them firm emails.), but it’s also really concerning that smaller ad-dependent sites could be totally demolished by ad blockers, leaving only the big guys. We always suggest that if you use ad-blockers, you disable them on sites you want to support, or find other ways to support those sites financially.

+ Gawker got their hands on Buzzfeed’s internal documents about their finances, which appear sound and prosperous. The most surprising element to me was that in the first six months of 2014, Buzzfeed spent $5.8 million dollars buying traffic from Facebook and other websites. (On facebook, this is done by “boosting” posts, a strategy that pretty much every well-funded media corporation except Gawker Media uses to dominate Facebook results and thus dominate your life in general). They spent $10.5 million on editorial in this same time period.

+ It’s official: NBCUniversal has invested $200 million dollars in Buzzfeed. They’ll collaborate on television, movies and Olympics coverage.

+ has made some “major hires” including bringing on Ashley Ford, a black bisexual writer who you may remember from Buzzfeed LGBT.

This Business of Journalism


+ The New York Times talks to Rukmini Callimachi about how she handled interviewing and collecting information to write her story on the ISIS-sanctioned slavery and rape of Yazidi women and girls, which required building a great deal of trust with survivors.

+ The Columbia Journalism Review concludes that at many local newspapers, there are no reporters of color and non-white reporters are underrepresented across the board.

+ Publishers love throwing events, but throwing events is hard, and harder still as the field grows ever more crowded.

This Business of Business


+ Give Your Money To Women: The End Game of Capitalism – A fantastic interview with Bardot Smith, Yeoshin Lourdes and Lauren Chief Elk-Young Bear at Model View Culture.

“…we just started talking about all types of uncompensated labors, in the form of sexual labor, emotional labor, physical labor, educational labor [particularly what we’ve provided in a number of ways digitally], all of this is without monetary return. It was a Friday and I decided that men didn’t need to recommend us for a #FollowFriday, they needed to demonstrate their appreciation by making a payment to our PayPal accounts. “Give your money to women” was explicitly said out loud and we agreed that needed to be the hashtag. “Put up your PayPals, ladies!!!” followed as the initial tweet, and then it just exploded.”

+ Meet the Woman Fighting Reddit racists by targeting the site’s advertisers: Talking to Casey Stephens, the leader of Operation Reddit Shine (ORS).

+ In Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace: “At Amazon, workers are encouraged to tear apart one another’s ideas in meetings, toil long and late (emails arrive past midnight, followed by text messages asking why they were not answered), and held to standards that the company boasts are “unreasonably high.” The internal phone directory instructs colleagues on how to send secret feedback to one another’s bosses. Employees say it is frequently used to sabotage others.”

On-Call scheduling is total bullshit for retail workers.

American Apparel May Go Bankrupt Within The Year.

This Business Of Tech


+ Fertility-tracking app Kindara has raised $5.3 million to “bring big data to women’s health.” They’re hoping to use the data generated by women who use the app about their horomone levels, diet, exercise and menstrual cycles to create a prediction tool that suggests certain behaviors or supplements that affect a woman’s fertility.”

+ LinkedIn is launching a standalone app called “Lookup” to “help users make better use of their co-workers’ skills.” Sounds pretty cool!

+ Despite raising $52.5 million in venture capital, Good Eggs is suddenly laying off nearly 140 employees and shutting down operations everywhere besides San Francisco. And, exactly as feared by many employees when downsizing began in February, this sudden decision has also been a huge blow for farmers who’d come to depend on Good Eggs income.

+ Speaking of food apps, there are a number of start-ups crowding the meal kit market. Apps like Gobble, Blue Apron, Marley Spoon, HelloFresh, Plated, Platejoy, Peach Dish and Home Chef deliver fresh, pre-measured ingredients and recipes to the doors of humans who want fresh-cooked meals without having to go through the hassle of preparing one from scratch. The New York Times asks “are these food start-ups good for the home, or yet another setback for the traditional nuclear family?”

Businesswoman’s Special: Advice On How To Work Better

PARKS AND RECREATION -- "Galentine's Day" Episode 617 -- Pictured: Amy Poehler as Leslie Knope -- (Photo by: Colleen Hayes/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)

+ Career Resolutions Based on My Failures, by your favorite human Ann Friedman. (The Cut)

+ Useful Advice for Pregnant Founders (Women 2.0)

+ How to Get Feedback as a Freelancer (Harvard Business Review)

+ Jennifer Vineyard interviews Lynn Good for Everything I Learned Leading a Fortune 500 Company. (The Cut)

+ Nine Habits of Bloggers Who Have Huge Audiences (Pro Blogger)

+ 21 In Case of Emergency Ideas for Writing (Inc)

+ 24 Tools For Running Your Business From Anywhere (Entrepreneur)

Pitches We Want To See

+ Queer Girl City Guides for cities/towns we haven’t done yet and also for updated editions of old city guides.

+ Personal essays about internalized homophobia

+ Photoessays from areas of the country besides the east and west coasts.

+ There are two posts our Trans Editor, Mey Rude, was working on that she’s been unable to finish because we haven’t gotten enough community information and submissions to complete them. The first is a post like the 22 Badass QTPOC Couples That Make Our Hearts Flutter, but just for trans women of color in same-sex relationships (only one of the people in the relationship needs to be trans). If you know any couples who’d be good for this, please reach out to Mey [at] Autostraddle [dot] Com. The other is Top Ten Most Trans-Friendly Cities. Any tips, hit her up!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. About 40% of internet users have some kind of adblocking program.

    One of the biggest problems about ads is that not every website takes the time or the interest on regulating invasive ads, pop-ups and crap like that. Another problem is the cost that you pay on your navigating speed when you visit places full of ads and specially auto-play ads.

    But one of the things that terrifies me the most is the way this companies accumulate data.

    Let’s say I want to buy a toaster and I use Google to make a search about that; not a big deal, I just want to see some models, colors, prices, etc. When I’m done, I close my browser. Later I want to see what’s happening on AS, and surprise!!! AS central banner is one ad from RadioShack or Walmart offering toasters. Yes, I know, maybe I’m a big paranoid freak… but that happens all the time, you just need to pay some attention and you would see it.

    And it seems that Gawker was wrong about The Huffington Post and Unions, maybe they should have looked at BuzzFeed instead? Because, you know, Unions are just bad for you…

    • You can use a search engine that doesn’t track you, like duckduckgo. I also use Ghostery to boost my privacy on the web. It has an easy white-listing feature, so you can support great independent sites like Autostraddle. I don’t get exposed to targeted advertising and seeing totally random ads can be hilarious.

    • Yeah, that is the way all ad networks work now, and it is very bizarre. The worst is that I do SO many searches for work-related things, especially around camp time. I was haunted by ads for bear costumes for months. No, the worst is when I’m like “no Riese, you do not need those american eagle jeans in your life right now” and then after being followed around by the jeans for hours and hours i’m like OK FINE I NEED THE JEANS

    • Or, alternatively, a separate companion essay? There’s definitely an intersection between internalized homophobia and transphobia, which somehow manifests in odd ways (I know I used the fact that I’m almost exclusively attracted to women (and therefore “straight”) as justification for why I couldn’t be trans, and had to be masculine).

  2. I don’t understand why the NY Times is being so salty about meal delivery? That article is baffling.

    • i was amused that they somehow managed to turn it into an article about the evolution of the american family? i would’ve liked to hear that pitch

  3. I think Laneia posted about #giveyourmoneytowomen earlier? Or Rachel did? Someone did but anyway I read that article and it was super good and fascinating and I want to talk about it! It seems really related to the pink collar/pink ghetto stuff about PR in terms of what is valued and emotional labor, just from a more radical standpoint. Anyway I think it is super important and am glad to see it here!

    • yes i got it from one of them. it’s so good. it needs to be spread throughout the land. i agree about the relation between those topics as well

  4. ‘to dominate Facebook results’

    Question…. what does that mean? Does it mean people use the facebook search? Do people use the facebook search for anything other than to quickly navigate to a persons page? Clearly I have no idea how to facebook, I live in a cave etc.

    • So, not everything that your friends and liked pages post shows up on your feed. We have like, 47k+ members of Autostraddle on facebook, but almost never will our post show up in the news feed of every single member. What does show up is determined by a facebook algorithm based on how many likes and shares and comments the post has.

      So by results I mean “the results of what shows up in your feed.”

      But, you can also buy your spot in the feed. Facebook enables you to “boost” posts — you can pay a certain amount to have your post seen by a certain number of people, and those people can be your fans, or your fans’ friends, or a random group you choose through targeting (like, say, you could pay to have every Faking It fan see Faking It recaps in their feed, even the ones who’ve never even heard of Autostraddle).

  5. Regarding Mey’s couples list post, just to make sure that I’m parsing this correctly:

    Is she looking for couples where one of the people in relationship is trans *and* one of the people in the relationship is of color*, or is she looking for couple where *either* one of the people in the relationship is trans *or* one of the people is of color (e.g., if it’s the former case, Jenny and Deirde Boylan would be an acceptable suggestion, since Jenny’s trans, but if it’s the latter, they wouldn’t be an acceptable suggestion, since they’re both white). Thanks!

    *Or both- but I’m excluding situations where one of the members is a TWOC in the interest of simplifying semantics for the purpose of this question

    • Wait, crap, I got it backwards in my example- if it’s the former case, they wouldn’t be an acceptable situation, if it’s the latter, they would be.

    • she is looking for couples where either partner is a trans woman and both partners are of color.

  6. So many awesome links I can’t decide what to talk about so I’m just going to say: thank you for all of it!

  7. fuck “traditional nuclear family” tbh I’m so sick of people thinking they’re superior. there are a lot of ways to be a family.

    • damn sorry I just reacted quickly and emotionally, I haven’t even read that article yet. I apologize for my profanity. It’s been a rough day and I just need to lash out at something, y’know? are there any mansplainers on here today?

      • i have been having a similar day and now is the part of that day where i’m like ‘i think i need to go to sleep so that this day will be over? i need to officially put an end to this day.’

    • Feh “traditional”
      The mommy daddy and 2.5 kids thing is a new and narrow ass definition of family. It’s something that came after the WWII and wasn’t even achievable for all the people in the US in the 50’s.
      The nuclear family was and still is post-war propaganda.

      You’re having a shit day and the history of what family has meant and still means globally is a thing of mine and so is the wacko things that happened in Post War America.

  8. I might be interested in writing a personal essay re: internalized homophobia. Are there any parameters to be aware of? Word count, etc?

  9. This column is badass.

    Also “yet another setback for the traditional nuclear family?” = MWHAHHHAHA.

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