Also.Also.Also: Happy New Year! Have a Gay Old Time!

It’s the last link roundup of the year, my loves. We made it. This year was a bitter pill, but here we are at the end of it and I am so proud of each and every one of you. Try to catch some sleep this weekend, and we’ll be back together next year.

Until then, here’s a MAXIMUM SIZED “Also.Also.Also” — full of reads to take you into the weekend…

Queer as in F*ck You

Bisexual Men More Prone to Eating Disorders Than Gay or Straight Men, Study Finds

Listening to the Joy in James Baldwin’s Record Collection. Curator Ikechúkwú Onyewuenyi hopes to rouse a new generation of writers with “Chez Baldwin,” a 32-hour-long Spotify playlist based on Baldwin’s vinyl record collection.

‘Chosen Families’ Ruptured: How COVID-19 Hit an LGBTQ Lifeline. One of the best reported features I read this week.

Inside the Fight to Include HIV-Positive People in COVID-19 Vaccine Trials. This, too.

Atlanta Gay Bar Designated a Historical Landmark

15 Things That Prove Queer Women Won 2020 (!!!!!)

Ok this one is kind of a good news/bad news situation. Bad news first! North Carolina Wedding Venue Denies Lesbian Couple, Citing ‘Christian Values’. And to take the sting out of that, here’s some very cute women of color in love: ‘Happiest Season’ Helped This Lesbian Couple With Surprise Engagement

Hey do you remember Katie, the sassy “Posh Spice” bassist in the 2003 classic, School of Rock?


Saw This, Thought of You

Come for the light and humerous personal essay that’s pro-waking up propaganda, stay for the surprisingly romantic friendship between the author and her gal pal. Turns Out It’s Pretty Good: Waking Up Early

‘Solidarity, Not Charity’: A Visual History of Mutual Aid. This is so cool.

For those of us who feel somehow insufficient or otherwise frustrated with the 30-under-30s or 40-under-40s lists, may we can find inspiration in these kickass octogenarians who remind us that it’s never too late: 80 Over 80.

Christine Baranski Is Happy to Know You Love Her. She’s just so damn delightful, and I, in fact, do love her.

Women Ran Rap in 2020. Hands down, one of my favorite trends of last year.

I Quit: 20 People Who Walked Away From Their Jobs, Their Religion, Their Relationships and Even This Assignment. (oof this is the exact kind of “New Year” reading I look for this time of year. Quit some shit!! Set yourself free!)

Happy New Year! Time to scrub down those keys, wipe the fingerprints off your screen, and delete all the files that have been clogging your system: How to Clean Your Computer Inside and Out.

Related to the last two links, How to Manage Your New-Year Expectations

Political Snacks

The Pandemic Has Been Extra Hard on Single Mothers

We Should Think about Prison Abolition as a Love Story

First Came Suffrage. Then Came the Women of the Ku Klux Klan. The WKKK was independent of the Klan and just as committed to bigotry. One researcher says the 19th Amendment made it possible.

“Georgia Is The Future”: Meet The Women Working To Flip The Senate Blue. My endless respect to Stacey Abrams, but my favorite thing about this list is that she’s not on it. So many women of color, and in particular Black women, are busting their ass right now — let’s share our love!

Two of the four links in this edition of “Political Snacks” comes from The 19th News, a nonprofit, nonpartisan newsroom launched this year reporting on gender, politics and policy. They’re a resource I use often in this roundup, and if you can support their work please consider doing so.

And Also.Also.Also, this week the 19th rounded up some of the Best 2020 Reads on Gender, Politics and Policy that came from across the interwebs and not their site. I found a few of my favorites from the year among their list and also opened a dozen new bookmarks of things to read as well, I hope you’re able to find some good shit in there as well!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


  1. I cannot overstate how pleased I am that the bassist from School of Rock is gay now. My 11-year-old self was inexplicably drawn to that particular character 🤔

  2. I mean, I’d wake up early too if someone brought me a latte & my meds first thing and then sat and scrolled on their phone with me. I have no one but my executive dysfunction and I job that I have to be at Mon-Fri at 8am. I refuse to wake up early if I don’t have to and I don’t want to and I refuse to let it be marked as loser behavior.

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