• Oklahoma Sets New Record Number of Anti-LGBT Bills, Can’t Wait to Discriminate

    Oklahoma introduces a bunch of anti-gay bills which can potentially be really dangerous, Hillary Clinton officially wins the Iowa Caucus, 16-year-old Gynnya McMillen wasn’t given CPR until 11 minutes after she was found “cold” in her cell, a father in Tennessee was arrested for chasing his daughter with a knife after she came out to him, Germany opens its first LGBT refugee shelter and more news stories!

  • Lesbian Lawsuit in Future for Homophobic Psychic Landlord

    Psychic and homophobic landlord refused to rent to a lesbian couple, HRC endorses Hillary Clinton, it’s harder for queer women to get a job interview call-back, Montana’s Governor signed a new executive order to protect LGBT state employees and more news!

  • Score One for Lesbian Parental Rights with Judge’s Landmark Ruling

    A Virginia Beach judge ruled a lesbian parent has the right to custody of her non-biological child, California’s got a lot of LGBT-friendly laws going into effect this year, more “religious freedom” bills in Georgia, Creating Change un-invites ICE from speaking at the conference, and more!

  • Daily Fix: Ted Cruz For Not President and More News Stories

    A look at Ted Cruz’s horrible policy proposals, a bunch of college dudebros get punished for their misogynistic actions, Los Tigres del Norte win an award for singing about lesbian love, conservative lawmakers propose more dangerous legislation and more news stories.