• Straddler On The Mountain: Brooklyn

    Say hi to Brooklyn – she’s a campership winner Texan trans* girl who spoke openly and honestly about her unsupportive family, being homeless and the importance of having a loving community to fall back on.

  • Straddler On The Street: Lex

    “I’m on a major self-love extravaganza journey.” Lex shares her perspective on religion and spirituality, A-Camp, Reiki, work, art, and life.

  • Straddler On The Street: Shelby

    Shelby lives in Chicago and is on track to become a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. She talks about A-Camp, her wedding, and the costumes she makes for sci-fi conventions.

  • Straddler On The Street: Abby

    Abby was the winner of the A-Camp 4.0 Kreuzbach10 campership, and as you might expect from such a human, Abby is sweet, energetic, confident and dapper as all hell. We talked about Ghana, names, gender, telling stories, and A-Camp.

  • Straddler On The Street: Emily G.

    Emily talks about the badass A-Camp tumblr she runs and her camp feelings, her incredible rainbow hair, and how she wants to collaborate with all of you power queer Straddlers.

  • Straddler On The Street: Marika

    If you have read Autostraddle even once, it’s likely that you’ve seen some of Marika’s brilliance in the comment section. She is one of our most frequent commenters, and she was kind enough to chat with me about science, hammocks, food, and family.