• Butch Please: Butch Buys A Drink

    “If I wear my heart on my sleeve – and I do these days, much to the shock and dismay of a butch gone prematurely tender – then the sleeve itself is my masculinity.”

  • Where the Bois Are: Bklyn Boihood is the Future

    In which we talk about the future with Bklyn Boihood, “a collective that provides visibility and promotes the empowerment of masculine of center bois, lesbians, queers, trans-identified studs, doms, butches and AGs of color.”

  • Jessie J Did It Like a Dude and Most Dykes Like It

    Jessie J won the BBC’s “Sound of 2011” poll and her first single “Do It Like a Dude” is a girls-can-f*ck-girls anthem with a gender-bending music video. Is Jessie J a subversive queer superstar or will she be seen as another homocultural appropriator?

  • What Does a Lesbian Look Like?: The Autostraddle Roundtable

    What does a lesbian look like? Until a few years ago, mainstream culture was pretty sure they knew the answer to that question, even though they didn’t. The Autostraddle Roundtable tackles passing, why people can’t understand that lesbians can have long hair, and the relationship between gender, style, and sexuality.