• DADT: Dan Choi Discharged Today Because He’s Gay

    Lt. Dan Choi got the news today that he has been officially honorably discharged from the US military under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Next stop? “I haven’t done a lot to hold my parents’ hands through all of this. My inclination right now is to go home.”

  • Gay Activists ‘Holler’, Obama Talks Back, Dan Choi Gets the Handcuffs

    Obama responds to DADT protesters interrupting a recent speech, Dan Choi has chained himself to the White House fence again, and we don’t know how to feel. Plus, an Arkansas judge has overturned the law banning adoption by gay or unmarried people, two men are being held in the death of a gay professor, and gay divorce is the flipside of the gay marriage fight.

  • DADT: Dan Choi Back on Active Duty, Lissa Young Talks to AS, Black Women Disproportionately Affected

    It’s DADT News, and we’ve got good news and bad news. Dan Choi has been called back to active duty! Yes, really! Autostraddle catches up with DADT discharge Lissa Young for her reaction to last week’s hearing (“exhilarating and infuriating.”) Study shows black women disproportionately discharged under DADT (and the affects of all anti-gay laws hit the black community harder). Also; Iowans and New Jersey on gay marriage actions/reactions, Rhode Island’s gay marriage bill and more on Judge Walker.

  • Judge Rules: Miss. School Violated Lesbian’s Rights, But Won’t Force Prom

    A ruling is made in the case of Constance McMillen and the heteronormative prom and Newsweek interviews Dan Choi about his new radical stance on political action. Prop 8 opponents have to give show the other side internal emails and memos, which could push back the verdict on the Prop 8 trial. Also: two Malawi men arrested for getting engaged go on trial soon, and Lambda Legal is challenging for same-sex marriage in NJ.

  • Obama’s ‘Small Victories’ for LGBTs This Week: Is It Change We Can Believe In?

    The Obama Administration is making small steps towards helping the LGBT community with the Shepard Act & new initiatives from the departments of Housing and Urban Development and Health and Human Services. Also; Dan Choi gives great interview to the Metro Weekly – with tales of a childhood spent praying “Jesus, make me pop a boner for Michelle Pfeiffer, in Jesus’ name, amen!”

  • Adam Lambert is Gay in Rolling Stone, Carly & Riese on the Gay Pimp Show, Dan Choi on Anderson Cooper

    Carlytron & Riese visit Johnny McGovern’s Big Gay Pimp Show, Adam Lambert signs a record deal and comes out on the cover of Rolling Stone, Rachel Maddow calls Obama Out, Anderson Cooper chats with Dan Choi, Lindsay & Sam travel together, Margaret Cho says “let my people go,” Sarah Palin appears in the woods.