• Lady Gaga Will Protect Little Monsters From Homophobic ‘Hate Addicts’

    Are you ready for Sunday Funday? Probs not, because the top story this week uses “Kylie Minogue” and “fisting” in the same paragraph. Also, Lady Gaga saves the world by tweeting for peace, Samantha Ronson keeps visiting Lindsay Lohan, Ilene Chaiken makes generalizations about lesbians, you find out if you really need to throw that cheese out or if it’s good for another three days, and Caster Semenya motherf*cks everyone else in the 800m race. Oh, did we mention the POETRY? And KITTENS?

  • Chely Wright on Ellen: Why We Love Watching Out Celebs Meet Ellen DeGeneres

    Chely Wright was interviewed last week on Ellen, gets teary, talks about Ellen’s Mom, and we take a look at why Ellen’s show has been so important for out celebs, and why Ellen, like Oprah, succeeds because of her “outsider” status, not in spite of it. Everyone is having a fabulous time this Sunday Funday! Librarians are covering Lady Gaga songs while she’s hanging around British pubs, Neil Patrick Harris is surprising his boyfriend with awesome parties, a brief gay pride parade happens successfully in Moscow, the “first modern lesbian” will get her time in the spotlight, and Gawker would like to talk to you about prescription medication.

  • Lady Gaga’s Fuzzy Butterfly Feelings on Masculine Women, Feminism, Gay Culture

    In the best article ever about Lady Gaga, she discusses feminism, bisexuality, the importance of gay culture, her health, and goes to a sex club with the reporter. GO Magazine has their first non-presidential dude on the cover, and he’s wearing gold hotpants! Plus, Australia is full of the gays, new pics of Skins’ Effy, and Expedia has a gay travel store.

  • Lady Gaga’s Birthday, SamRo’s @-Reply, UK’s Gay Wedding, Math & Amanda Seyfried Naked

    Really so many random unrelated Sunday Funday stuff today! Happy Lady Gaga’s birthday! Amanda Seyfried, Julianne Moore and soon Jennifer Aniston join the ranks of Straight Women Who Have Played Gay To Mixed Reviews. British politicians get gay married, Spring Break behind-the-scenes, expensive Passover food, the history of white people, Derrick Martin, WBC’s counter-protest, very special sitcom episodes, girls are awesome at math, and lesbians are inspiring Indian fashion. Also, um, LADY GAGA CHATROULETTE

  • Obama Pretty-Promises He’ll End DADT & Lady Gaga Sings For Her HRC Supper

    Obama to the HRC: “I’m here with a simple message. I’m here with you, in that fight.” Obama pinky-swore and pretty-promised to do everything we want him to do. So, lesbians – what now?