• Samantha Ronson is Open to Lindsay Lohan Reunion, Boys, Writing a Novel

    Samantha Ronson never wants to talk about her relationship with Lindsay Lohan nearly as much as we do. Also, she’s not gay, she’s an “equal opportunity player.” The more you know…

  • Lindsay Lohan Goes to Rehab, Makes Art, Sees Samantha Ronson

    Lindsay Lohan enters a sober living facility with art supplies and an early SamRo visitation. Also, Lindsay Lohan is malware, apparently. Also, Westboro boycotts ComicCon, Janelle Monae brings down the house, an FTM on Degrassi and moar!

  • Lindsay Lohan’s New Girlfriend? (UPDATE: Not?) Shared Interests Include ‘Art,’ ‘Meaning of Life.’

    Does Lindsay Lohan have a new girlfriend? 36-year-old photographer Indrani — a Princeton graduate, photographer and upcoming co-star of Bravo TV show “Exposure” — has reportedly been going on dates with LiLo, being a good influence oh and also discussing art and the meaning of life. This would put Lindsay Lohan on the short-list of bisexual Hollywood starlets who have publicly dated more than one woman.

  • Lindsay Lohan’s PR Machine De-Gays Lesbian Relationship with Sam

    Bisexual Lindsay Lohan wants to get back together with Sam, but is now sticking to the “Sam is the only girl I ever liked” storyline. We know it’s just a story, but we explain why it matters that they’re making her tell it. Gaga exemplifies the modern age with her stardom. Natalie Portman is working on a female stoner comedy. Oh, and we shamelessly ask you to vote for us in some contests!

  • Lindsay Lohan & SamRo Seen in Same Location: Now That’s Change We Can Believe In

    Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson were spotted in the same location, which means they’ll probs reunite any minute now! Celebs including Ruby Rose gather in Sydney, Australia to support Wear it With Pride. Could a LiLo/Gaga duet be on the horizon? Glambert turned 28 this weekend! Plus, we’ve got a hot video of Amber Rose, Liza Weil will be on Anyone But Me, RuPaul thinks Gaga is awesome, and Stephen Baldwin is an asshole who supports his gay friends… who follow the lord back into heteroville.