5 Newsletters to Help You Take Action Against Trump Today and Every Day

2016 has been the year of the newsletter, and has also become a year in which many US citizens found civic engagement more crucial than ever with the impending threat of a Trump presidential administration, one that promises to launch an all-out assault on the civil rights and safety of all Americans, and especially our most vulnerable citizens. You can get involved to help combat this in a lot of ways — our own KaeLyn is writing a fantastic Be the Change series that leverages her experience as a community organizer to help you make a difference, for instance. But especially for those of us feeling paralyzed by rage and depression, sometimes we need someone to directly tell us what to do right now, today, and give us instructions to follow. If that sounds like you, here are five newsletters and mailing lists that will reach out to your inbox directly and tell you every day or week what actionable steps you can take from your own home to effect change.


Our mission is to turn America blue by building a movement to flip seats – first in state legislatures, and then in the House and Senate. To build this movement, we need to close the information gap, making it radically easier for Democrats to:

1. Understand the importance of state policy in national elections
2. Identify the most critical races that can turn a state from red to blue
3. Act on this information by donating, volunteering, and organizing others to act with them


#FightTrump is a committed group of scientists, journalists, veterans, designers, small business owners, parents, policymakers, educators, organizers, and friends. We came together after the election to provide simple, powerful calls to action on high-stakes issues like civil rights, reproductive rights, government transparency, climate change, criminal justice reform, and immigration policy. Our mission is to make it simple for those who oppose Trump’s harmful policies to learn and take action.

Wall of Us

Created by two women to give you four concrete acts of resistance in your inbox each week. So far they’ve focused on asking mayors to declare sanctuary cities, rejecting Jeff Sessions’ appointment, calling in support of Senator Ben Cardin’s resolution for Trump to put his holdings in a blind trust, and donating to recounts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Two Hours A Week

We are fostering a new level of civic engagement following the 2016 election by offering you 2 hours a week of tangible action.

Resist Tinyletter

A daily newsletter from one individual that shares a range of actions you can take, from calls to your reps to crisis lines to volunteer at to ways to talk to your racist relatives. It also often includes related reading, whether they’re news articles for context or French surrealist poetry from WWII.

Maud Newton’s Tumblr

A bonus! This one isn’t a newsletter, it’s the personal blog of writer Maud Newton. Since the election she’s been using it to document the personal actions she’s taking each day to resist the new administration. Many of them are also covered in the newsletters above, but she often provides helpful context, background or scripts to use, and it can be affirming to know that you’re sharing the experience of at least one real person out there.

Any of these resources are a great place to start! Remember also, though, to reach out to local organizations in your area and do what you can to be involved there. The work we can do from home with our phones and computers is important, but we can always do more when we work together as part of a community. Search for “[your city] against Trump” and contact groups that come up; reach out to local mosques, immigrant rights organizations, LGBT centers, or racial justice orgs and see if they have initiatives you can help with; if you go to protests, rallies or call-ins, pay attention to what groups organized them and see if they have meetings you can go to. It’s a scary time, but it generally feels better to be doing something about it than not, and to be working with others rather than alone.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Thanks so much to you and , of course, KaeLyn. I am going through such a rough time personally but still needed to find a way to voice my commitment to fight the hatred from the President Elect-Trump group. I have signed up for all 5 and already today just signing the petitions and making a call I’ve done something today to fight the evil. Thanks again.

  2. Subscribed to all five!
    Thank you so much. Being Autistic makes in-person advocacy difficult to me. While I am working to engage more with my physical community, it’s amazing to be able to participate in the rebellion in my pajamas! ?

  3. re:act is another great newsletter: “re:act is a weekly list of a few concrete things you can do to take action during the Trump presidency.”

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