• Into the A+ Advice Box #12: Bisexual Marriage Blues, Sexting as a Bottom, and More!

    Why does gay male sex turn you on if you’re a lesbian and is it okay? Plus, conflicting ideas about isolating & dating during quarantine, cheering up your partner over long distance, parents and mental health and Covid-19, SO MANY mixed signals from your ex wife who’s in another relationship and…should you fuck your boss?!?!?! Things are a mess out there, but at least we have each other and 26 questions from readers like you!

  • How to Stop Biting Your F*cking Nails

    There is a world in which your nails do not bleed onto paper and you don’t want to cry from how much it hurts to do anything with your hands (which is a lot of things), and it is a world you could most definitely come to live in in time.

  • Be a Human: Helping People Through Trauma When You Don’t Know What To Say

    At some moment in your life, you will be in a room with someone who is disclosing to you about their trauma. You are not going to be a counselor, you are going to be just another human in a room.