What We Love and Hate About Dating Tauruses

For those who believe in it, astrology can be a powerful tool for introspection and self-knowledge — or you can use it to talk shit about your ex and obsess over your crush. Journey with us as we do both, and then head to the comments to live your truth.

Vanessa Friedman, Community Editor

Tauruses are grounded and cozy and love snacks, which is excellent. I’ve never dated a Taurus but I lived with one and our house was EXTREMELY well cared for and well decorated. And there were a lot of snacks!

A. Andrews, Cartoonist

Archie is the only Taurus I’ve ever dated, and I’m not at all putting on a show when I say it’s the absolute best. The best thing about dating tauruses is that they don’t really sweat the small stuff. They’re all about comfort, and doing things that feel good, and they prioritize those things not only for themselves but for their partner as well! They are pretty direct and open about their own wants and needs, and good at fulfilling mine in all the ways they say that they will. I feel like a Taurus is a partner you can count on being there with care through all the bad stuff and celebrating the hell out of all of the good.

The worst part about dating a Taurus is that they are stubborn babies.

Stef Schwartz, Vapid Fluff Editor

My first ever girlfriend was a Taurus and to be honest beyond a particularly stubborn streak I didn’t really pick up on very much stereotypical Taurean behavior. In general I tend to like Taurii, at least on a friendship level. They can hang.

Rachel Kincaid, Former Managing Editor

I’ve never dated a Taurus but think I would really like it? I’m very into consistency and stability, and I think dating a Taurus might take some of the onus off me of being the main provider of those things in a relationship. Tell yr Taurus friends!

Positive: Ride or die, and nurturing without being like, suffocating? They’re very practical.

Negative: they kinda get stagnant and are hella moody.

Carly Usdin, To L and Back Co-Host

We are PERFECT and will fill your home with expensive scented candles.

Robin Roemer, Contributor

I married a Taurus and let me tell you, it was the best decision I’ve made. Living with a Taurus means you’ll always have nice things, even if sometimes they can’t afford them. They enjoy staying in and eating good food, being your ride or die, being right, and for everything in their life to make sense and have a place. If you have a tendency to lose your keys or your sunglasses or your mind, a Taurus will remember where to look. If a Taurus doesn’t like you, you’ll know. If they like you, you’ll know. I like that. I don’t find that Tauruses are overly emotional. They are practical, but also romantic. They remind me of that Mean Girls quote when Regina is talking about Aaron Samuels and how “”all he cares about is school and his mom and his friends””. Tauruses LOVE their friends. And they marry their friends. But also when you marry them, you marry their friends, so make sure you like their friends.

Negative: They are really stubborn. Just incredibly, annoyingly stubborn and set in their ways. They can be hard to drag out of their tiny little comfort zones. In that sense, you really need to learn how to trick Tauruses into adventure. I hope that doesn’t sound evil. I mean trick in the nicest possible way. Maybe I mean incept? Make them think it was their idea to try say BBQ sauce finally at age 30. With Tauruses you have to learn to pick your battles.

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya, Managing Editor

Dating a Taurus can be very wonderful, and I say that as a Gemini who is supposedly not compatible with Tauruses sexually/romantically. Full disclosure: My relationship with a Taurus ended very dramatically. But before it did, I enjoyed the Taurus’s love of adventure, comfort, and fierce way of loving. Yes, she was stubborn and also averse to change. But she brought out a very fun and uninhibited side of myself.

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  1. I am a Taurus and feel very called out by a lot of this. Also it’s true that if you date me I will make you lots of snacks(somebody date me, I have way too many snacks to eat all by myself)

  2. while i’ve never dated a taurus, i grew up with my taurus sun cousin and she is still my favorite cousin to hang with all these years later. maybe i’m biased bc i am a taurus moon, but i feel like taurus energy is really the most wonderful. :)

    • yes i am also a taurus moon and it’s genuinely my best personality trait. taurus energy really is the most wonderful

  3. If you’re lucky enough to date a Taurus, I highly recommend. I have been with my Taurus for 10 years. She is smart, funny, laid back, a wonderful friend, and the voice of reason (which is good for an anxious Capricorn like me).😬😊
    Although my Taurus can get a bit moody and tough to nudge out of her comfort zone, once she does she’s chill and goes with the flow. And yes, snacks. Always snacks!! I love my Taurus so much I married her! Yay for all the Tauruses out there helping us to live in the moment❤️❤️❤️

  4. As a Taurus…I can confirm this is all entirely accurate and there are, in fact, chocolate chip cookies in the oven right now!

  5. The only roommate I’ve ever really liked and would actually live with again is a Taurus. Yall are pretty great <3

  6. To add re:snacks, your Taurus is an excellent road trip buddie cause there’s always three kinds and they’re never out of reach

    • literally just finished a road trip with a taurus and it’s SO true. fresh fruit/good trail mix/bars for DAYS

  7. ah. having dated several taureans, i do agree with everyone on how warm and chill and loving and tender they are. also such gourmands! they love their fancy meals. really they are lovely gems of humans. but y’all didn’t really expose a few very consistent downsides beyond stubbornness.
    1. they are deeply avoidant of dealing with emotional trauma and baggage from their past. “it’s in the past! why do we have to talk about it? i shoved it down! i feel fine today!” taureans are very averse to processing their trauma, to the point where it bubbles up and hurts themselves and others in unpredictable and not-fun ways. JUST GO TO A THERAPIST! jfc you’re not above healing just because you’re a chill person day to day!
    2. sex is boring but satisfying. gets the job done. lots of lying down. is it sex or just vigorous cuddling? yawn.

    • As a Taurus I would really really like to deny #1 but uhh. We’re happy and comfortable with all our foods and our stuff, and harshing my own buzz is the LAST thing I wanna do.

  8. I am a Gemini married to a Taurus. Best relationship I’ve ever been in because she has totally brought me out of my shell. I don’t totally believe all of the astrology hype (I’m a very quiet Gemini, we do exist) and my bubbly fun loving Taurus is always down for some adventure. Lots and lots of cuddling, and food.
    The stubbornness does kill me, because she will be so stubborn to the point of not listening when she needs what I’m telling her. But then she will come back later and be like “Remember when you said I needed to…” ahhhh they are great listeners, which can sometimes be hard for my .5 second Gemini brain-span LoL.

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