VIDEO: “Binders Full O Bitches,” Featuring Haviland Stillwell As An “NRA Bitch”

The comedic team at Forty-Seven Percent Records, a division of Happy Panda Productions, have put together a catchy Black Romney video entitled “Black Romney: Binders Full O Bitches” in which Romney expresses his disinterest in a variety of human beings, such as the unemployed and single mothers.  Created by the very funny Deborah S. Craig and starring Burl Moseley, this biting piece of political satire also features your favorite Out Lesbian Actress Haviland Stillwell, star of Unicorn Plan-It and lots of other things, like your pants. She dances and sings along with a variety of other females. I don’t know, I think you might really enjoy it! See for yourself:

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. Added bonus: the top ad along the bottom of the video? Mitt Romney’s actual site. I hope he knows that the youtube/google algorithms are connecting this video with his official site.

  2. I was feeling lonely being the only brown, female, queer in my office. Then I watched this video and now I feel better for some reason.

    • The same sex couple in the video is real married couple Jared and Jeffrey Marshek Gertner and one half of a same sex couple, actress Amanda Deibert is married to illustrator Cat Staggs and plays Anne Romney.

  3. Erm..I know this is supposed to be funny…and I get it, I swear, I get all the jokes (haha). BUT, I’m still super uncomfortable with the handsy-ness that he displays with all the ladies in the video. So many eeks.

    I just can’t… with the word bitches over and over again coming out of his mouth (and before you say it–I SWEAR that I get it.) :(

    • It does seem like mocking Romney’s policies could have been done without him having his hands all over the women every few seconds. I cannot figure out what that adds to the video. I am all for making fun of Romney but was put off by that.

      • Well I’m pretty sure the handsy-ness of the video was because it is mocking prototypical glam rap music videos as well as Romney, so that was what it was intended to add to the video.

        Of course that doesn’t mean it can’t make you uncomfortable, this video clearly isn’t for everyone and that’s okay.

  4. I was trying not to crack up the whole time so I could actually listen to the words, but when he said MOTHER EARRRTTTH…I just died.

  5. It seems to me like Romney should’ve been a white guy. Hear me out, now, it’s because non-fictional Romney is so white privileged, and maintaining that is such an overt part of his platform. I don’t know though. Feel free to chew me out if I’m wrong or being problematic.

    • I know! BLACK Romney? On what universe does that make the joke better? Do people even understand what IRONY means anymore? Because this is definitely not an example…

    • How do you mean, if you don’t mind my asking? I’m interested to hear your thoughts if you’re willing to share them.

      • Hipster racism (black/urban culture is so funny to appropriate/is always depicted as fundamentally misogynistic and backward) + Hipster sexism (it’s okay to make a blatantly sexist, degrading “video” because they’re ~in on the joke or something.) There are other ways to be funny than resorting to these tropes, just my opinion. This video is just so out of place on this site, makes me roll my eyes at the self-promotion.

  6. That one chick looked like Troian Bellasario (spelling IDK) the blonde chick. I don’t know it might just be me.

  7. I get where this was coming from, I get the intention, and I get that the repetition of “bitch” was part of the schtick (despite it being irritating), but I’m going to go on my soapbox here and rant:

    I CANNOT FUCKING STAND THE EXPRESSION “SUCK MY DICK”. IT IS INHERENTLY CHAUVINISTIC AND PATRIARCHAL, AND I CONSIDER IT TO BE HOMOPHOBIC WHEN DIRECTED TOWARDS OTHER MALES. I. Don’t. Care. that that’s the point. It’s repulsive and I would even consider it to be triggering. It’s just not ever funny, not even when people without penises use it as a way to show superiority in an ironic sense. Just. No. Fuck you, having a specific genital configuration does not promote you or make someone inferior to you, and using it as an acknowledgement of that power disparity makes me sick.

    • I feel ya on that, and yet I find myself using the phrase all. the. time. to men, which horrifies and scandalizes people. I am an extremely femme-presenting queer lady who was socialized as a girl and born with a vagina and no penis. I do like to use a strap-on sometimes?, but I doubt that comes to mind for many people when it comes out of my mouth.
      Can someone comment on this? I really don’t know how I feel about my use of it, because it seriously just COMES OUT OF MY MOUTH WITHOUT ME THINKING ABOUT IT. When I say it, the men are totally silenced and sort of back up with their tails between their legs for a minute. It feels both gross and empowering, in a certain sense, when I wield it against them. But I am open to being argued into the belief that it’s an unsalvageably problematic usage, and I should train myself to stop. I just feel like–I’ve heard men hurl it at me and people like me so many times that it feels awesomely subversive to throw it back and watch the confusion and disgust take over their faces.

      • My GF says it all the time. Truly whenever I hear it from a woman, the only though that comes to my mind is “ you have a…huh??” Then I move on.

        It’s like if that’s something that just comes out of your mouth naturally (I call people, places, and things all kinds of bitches all the time and I can’t stop) then say it! Just don’t do it for shock value because then you look stupid.

        I think people put to much meaning on words.

        BFD if you ask me.

        I think the video’s hilarious.

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