• Real L Word Premieres Sunday, Hated It

    The Real L Word premieres on Sunday, aren’t you so excitant? We reflect and look forward and read reviews and witness strap-ons. But really the best part is that Autostraddle’s Nat Garcia is gonna be doing exclusive Real L Word content for Showtime & Sho.com! I know! See! We got our grrrl in there, and she is perfect.

  • The Week of Gays in Unexpected Places, Like Outer Space & Behind-the-Scenes

    This week we got a lesbian love scene on Stargate Universe, out actress Haviland Stillwell guesting on Eastwick, a super-awkward episode of GLEE and hot girl Elizabeth Banks on “Modern Family.” Oh right; and so much more!

  • Sweet Sweet Charlene of Logo’s “Gimme Sugar”: The Autostraddle Interview

    “You have to break the shell, be okay with who you are regardless of the cameras and know that there’s someone out there who’s gonna relate to you. There’s no character space so if you’re not yourself that shuts off the whole reason for reality TV. Especially when it’s something about lesbians — that’s for everyone, even for gay boys, we’re fighting for visibility.”