“RuPaul’s Drag Race” Episode 1503 Recap: Heavenly Body-ody-ody

This is a recap of RuPaul’s Drag Race episode 1503. Spoilers below.

From supersized to bite-sized! Last week’s gargantuan two-episode premiere is in the past and the new hour-long (plus Untucked) format is here to stay. I know it’s to promote MTV’s Rich Fags of WeHo or whatever but can I be honest?? In this case, I am not a size queen. I love the new length.

We begin in the aftermath of Irene’s departure, a queen we’ll barely remember in two months when the show ends. (Sorry Irene.) Robin and Amethyst carry over talk of their past fling from Untucked and say that it ended mutually. In the confessional, Amethyst said she ended it. I’ll give it to her — she needs a win.

The maxi challenge this week is afterlife infomercials. It’s the kind of themed challenge that makes you go, wow we really are on season fifteen, huh? As the winner of last week, Anetra gets to pick her team first. She goes with Luxx, Sasha, EsTitties, and Marcia. As the winner of the lip sync, Amethyst gets to pick next. She goes with Loosey, Aura, Spice, and Poppy. The leftovers are Jax, Mistress, Sugar, Malaysia, and Robin.

There is immediate tension on the leftovers team, because Sugar won’t shut the fuck up pitching a concept that makes no sense. I don’t need to justify my annoyance with political righteousness, but if I were to do that I’d bring up Sugar saying “cracked out Beyoncé.” I know her whole thing is dressing like an ignorant white girl from the early 2000s — doesn’t mean she has to talk like one.

My fave Jax shares my annoyance and tells Sugar to switch spots with her. After that, Sugar is very displeased. Mistress is also annoyed that Jax is taking charge, but somebody has to! Sorry, sorry, childhood group project trauma is coming out.

If you were wondering how the editors were going to fit all these queens into an hour, the answer revealed itself in the next segment. Michelle is directing the three teams and we get a brief look at Sugar riffing and Jax feeling like the concept isn’t working, Sasha freezing up a bit, and Team Amethyst kind of bombing, but we don’t spend a long time on any of them. I loved this! Usually with acting challenges we see the jokes played over and over so the finished products fall kind of flat. I loved getting just a taste.

What isn’t cut for time is the queens sharing their queer trauma in the work room. Malaysia talks about growing up Baptist and feeling like being gay is a sin. But now her mom is her biggest supporter. Mistress says she also grew up religious but her family wasn’t as accepting. She was kicked out at 17 and had to support herself through drag. Amid the challenges and competition, Drag Race has always been a snapshot of queer lives. I’m glad that hasn’t been lost.

The judges are Michelle, Ts Madison, and country singer Maren Morris. I didn’t know this person previously and she wasn’t the best judge, but everything she said in Untucked was really sweet so she won me over. But the most exciting part is definitely that Ts Madison is a regular judge.

The runway theme is metallic and there are a wide variety of looks including Anetra paying tribute to Chromatica, Marcia paying tribute to the Tin Man, and Jax paying tribute to Mortal Kombat which is apparently her namesake. And my absolute favorite look was Mistress. She wasn’t the only queen who went with gold but I think she did it best.

We watch the final videos and wow is Team Anetra’s good. All the previews were trying to make it seem like Sasha flops, when she’s actually the hands down winner. Everyone in the video does a good job and it’s just astronomically better than the other two.

Team Amethyst’s is the worst. The jokes feel basic and all the performances are meh.

Given the chaos, I thought Team Jax — let’s call it what it is — turned out decent. I liked the concept of heaven for drag hags and felt Sugar was used perfectly. But Jax barely says any of the words she wrote and I knew that would be a problem.

The tops are Sasha, Luxx, and Loosey. The bottoms are Amethyst, Poppy, and Jax. Michelle praises Sasha for taking direction well and it just goes to show sometimes showing up perfect isn’t necessary! The judges tell Amethyst to stop contouring her nose so much, they critique Poppy’s basic outfit, and question Jax’s shoddy video looks in comparison to her excellent runway.

Loosey is safe. Luxx is safe. Sasha wins. No question.

Jax is safe which was deserved even if part of me wanted to see her kill a lip sync. I know she would’ve done a better job with “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” than Amethyst or Poppy that’s for sure. It’s not that either is bad — just underwhelming.

Amethyst plays it straight, Poppy goes for jokes, and, in the end, Amethyst shantays. When it comes to Diana Ross, RuPaul wants a respectful rendition and Poppy popped her pussy all the way home.

Teleport Us to Mars!! Here Are Some Random Thoughts:

+ Poppy is very casual about the possibility of going home during Untucked and it made me very happy she lost the lip sync. It pissed Mistress off and it pissed me off too! Not to be such an earth sign, but why are you there if you don’t want to win?

+ I don’t love Amethyst but now that she’s been in the bottom twice, I’m hoping she has at least one episode of redemption before going home.

+ Sasha looked so hot in the workroom in those high-waisted pants.

+ Loosey getting in the top for doing a three star Dolly Parton impression? I don’t even know if that’s out of four or five stars and either way it wasn’t enough for me.

+ Queen I’m rooting for: Jax and Anetra

+ Queen I’m horniest for: Sasha

+ Queen I want to sashay: Sugar

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Drew Burnett Gregory

Drew is a Brooklyn-based writer, filmmaker, and theatremaker. She is a Senior Editor at Autostraddle with a focus in film and television, sex and dating, and politics. Her writing can also be found at Bright Wall/Dark Room, Cosmopolitan UK, Refinery29, Into, them, and Knock LA. She was a 2022 Outfest Screenwriting Lab Notable Writer and a 2023 Lambda Literary Screenwriting Fellow. She is currently working on a million film and TV projects mostly about queer trans women. Find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Drew Burnett has written 606 articles for us.


  1. I still feel like this season is going to be a slog to get through. Irene was my local girl and I was hoping to root for her all season. She put away some sickening looks in untucked last week. This week’s runway didn’t have me gagging at all but I do agree that mistress had the best look. I totally agree with the length of the ep, any longer and it would have really dragged on (pun intended). This season really is Sasha Colby and everyone else and I hope they don’t send her home too early like they generally do with drag legends.

    The twins are really annoying but I’m already over the queens being annoyed by them. I can see Jax is starting to get the villain edit; I hope it’s just a fluke and we can do away with a Black queen always getting edited this way.

  2. I don’t get the hate for Sugar and Spice. I love them. But we cannot convince others, can we?
    I love this writer, however. Specifically looked them up because their reviews were so great for Season 14.
    Hope the twins change their mind, as the season progresses. I see real talent and charisma there.
    And smarts.
    My first time witnessing Sasha. There’s just something about Sasha. Fell in love with her immediately. Down to earth, oozes talent, warm as a snuggly blanket.
    Anetra and Loosey seem like good people, underneath the makeup, too.

  3. I feel bad for Sasha. Finally on drag race and it gets shunted to MTV. Snatch game this early in the competition (so more girls to cover) with a 45 minute episode should be illegal.

    Oh! Oh! jail for MTV! jail for MTV for One Thousand Years!

  4. I love Sasha so much. Her interview outfit?!? With the yellow sweater and the GLOVES with NAILS on them?!?? Icon!!!

    I also love Amethyst? Idk she kinda looks like my ex? And I love that she’s messy and has a tendency to date other queens- rn she seems most likely to have a messy lipsync make out which is my dream.

    I also loved Irene & missed her this ep- probably also because she seemed like she was likely to date other queens on the show! What can I say I’m a shipper. But it is interesting that even after only one episode I’m still remembering her.

    Go Jax!!! Loved her runway!

  5. It maybe wasn’t the wisest choice to cut the length of the episodes on a season with so many queens and then do Snatch Game so soon. I could have used just a little more of Michelle directing Sasha.

    I couldn’t name a Maren Morris song but I learned who she was last summer when she denounced another country music celebrity’s wife for making a transphobic comment, resulting in Tucker Carlson labeling her a ‘lunatic country music person,’ so she made t-shirts with the phrase and gave the proceeds to a queer organization. I’m guessing this is how she got invited onto the show.

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