Reine #52: New Girlfriend

a comic: a lesbian runs into a dungeon shouting "GUYS! GUYS! I JUST GOT A NEW GIRLFRIEND!" three hooded figures perched under a sign that says DYKE COUNCIL say "SHOW HER TO US." in the next panel, the lesbian says "SHE'S REALLY SWEET AND PRETTY AND SHE HAS A GOOD JOB AND I'M IN LOVE!" in the next panel, the council looks closer at a photo on the lesbian's phone and say HMMM. in the next panel, the council asks the lesbian "how big?" and the lesbian says "what?" in the next panel, the council says "her cup size. what is it?" and the lesbian says "I-". In the final panel, the lesbian says "they're massive" while bowing before the council, who responds "good job. huge win for you. well done, kid."

Dyke council result: approved

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Ren Strapp

Ren Strapp is a comic artist, designer, and gender nonconforming lesbian werewolf. Her work is inspired by risograph printing and American traditional tattooing. She loves weight lifting and hiking. Support her work on Patreon.

Ren has written 67 articles for us.


  1. Sorry but this one isn’t funny to me at all. The frat guy humor I could take or leave but as a lesbian who wants to get top surgery someday and is in love with a person who’s small chested and has felt a lot of insecurity about their attractiveness compared to other wlw because of that, the punchline we’re supposed to laugh at and relate to here is kind of unbelievably shitty. (This isn’t even getting into the existence of early transition transfem lesbians or women with mastectomies…)

    Anyway, for the small/nonexistent chested lesbians out there, this butch thinks you’re amazing and desirable and anyone would be lucky to be with you!

    • The artist’s girlfriend has small tits. Consider that both big boobs and little boobs can be celebrated. To love big boobs is not to hate small boobs.

      Expand your simple mind

    • Oh my, the whataboutism is strong with this one. Just because you don’t like titties doesn’t mean others don’t? Believe it or not lesbians are allowed to celebrate different ways that their lover’s can look. Not everything has to cater to you specifically for fucks sake.

    • Oof, I’m feeling sensitive today and this hurt since I come to AS less guarded than anywhere else online. It’s obviously because the only time I’ve been shamed in person for being flat chested was by a lesbian, and because 99% of media tells me to get a boob job. So it’s simply not a joke for me. Glad others enjoyed it, and glad Kinda Disappointed took the time to comment. Thanks, KD!

  2. My girlfriend has a small chest and I’m throwing around the idea of top surgery / reduction. I know multiple trans women who saw this comic and laughed. The comic is still funny to people like us, you’re just no fun at parties.

    • Can you please just have a little sensitivity? Just because this is hurtful to some of us doesn’t mean we’re attacking you or your preferences. Having any type of body as as a queer person comes with pain and insecurity. You really ought to have some respect for that of people you don’t relate to. Don’t be an insensitive jerk, honestly.

        • How on earth did you reach possibly reach that misunderstanding of what I said. I don’t care about the comic. I just think we out to, ya know, not be straight up mean as hell to the people who are uncomfortable with it? Like sure maybe they need to process their insecurities better but the way you’re responding to someone who is clearly hurting inside is so much worse than any they did. Just try to have a little compassion for those people, even if you think it’s dumb.

    • Sigh. Look, just because not everyone with a small chest was hurt by this doesn’t mean it doesn’t deserve criticism for the people who it did hurt. Body shame is a very real and incredibly painful thing. Especially when you’re any type of queer person. Just because you don’t experience this pain the same way as the people criticizing this comic doesn’t mean they aren’t making a good point. Your perspective is not the only valid one. I can barely process how insensitive your comment was. Telling people they’re “bo fun at parties” for being hurt by a post that perpetuates ideas that have hurt them and their relationships with their bodies. You’re perfectly entitled to love big chests, but please, try to be more respectful of other people’s pain, especially in this queer community space. It’s pretty awful to come onto this page for a nice queer positivity break and see people acting the way you just did.

      • There was no body shaming in this comic? Nobody is shaming anyone’s body here. It’s commenters inferring that because they don’t have big boobs they are unwanted. As many have said there are tons of people who want their big boobs removed because they hate them. It would be silly if my take away was I hate this comic because I want a breast reduction and the dyke council would hate me for that. Thats not the messaging here it’s a bad faith takeaway based off a personal insecurity. Nobody is saying don’t be insecure but I hope one day you find the friends and ability to see love and beauty in yourself.

  3. I agree with others. I am a bit shocked by this. What is funny about perpetuating a norm whereby women are judged for — not even something as vague as their appearance, but the explicit size of their breasts? Could this be more crude and implicitly misogynistic?

    • Exactly. It’s not a delightful celebration of a love for boobs. Instead cup size is how a person is being judged as a worthy partner/accomplishment. It’s what the panel specifically asks about, not something just mentioned that they are excited to hear.

    • oh god the lesbians are talking about liking big boobs….. the misogyny!! we must never express desires for features of a womans body lest we be predatory!!! We can only speak of a womans body in a chaste non sexual way or else its VERY unlady like.

      I shudder to think of a world where i cant say my friend’s girlfriends are smoking hot with great tits without being a implicitly misogynistic.

        • This blatant objectification has nothing to do with homophobia. There are women of different orientations who would be offended by this – even if it was from their desired sexuality.

          Critics have not been shaming any hint of lesbian desire. In fact it does reek of frat boy antics as one person mentioned.

          With that said, I don’t treat wlw relationships as some special class that has no capability for misogyny. Hence, I appreciate Ren’s disgusting, but truthful possibility.

          • This isn’t directed at anyone though. If someone said “I don’t want my body asked about a certain way” that’s entirely reasonable. But this bizarre puritanism here and acting likes it’s the end of the world when a lesbian says “haha, big boobs are nice” is weird and repressive and frankly yeah, kinda homophobic.

          • Personally any time I see a woman’s breasts in public I suddenly transform into a wolf then my eyes turn into hearts and shoot out of my head. It’s involuntary and I’ve been seeking treatment. I hope to be cured soon so I can respect women again.

  4. Yeah… as a larger-breasted woman who has felt objectified since I was a kid for my breasts, this made me feel not great. It definitely doesn’t make me feel “celebrated” to reduce me and my value to my composite parts.

  5. I feel, in all the discourse surrounding this comic, nobody’s realizing that this likely isn’t the author stating their own bias towards women with larger cup sizes- it’s the author making fun of the fact that many lesbians often do use cup size as a measure of worth (through using the “dyke council” as a representative of said lesbians), much as another comic artist would use a council of cishet men to represent the negative attributes of that demographic. Just a thought :)

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