Protective Spells For Mentally Ill Witches In A COVID-19 World

Autostraddle APIA Heritage Month

Welcome to Autostraddle’s APIA Heritage Month Series, about carrying our cultures from past to future.

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Yumi Sakugawa

Yumi Sakugawa is a second-generation Japanese-Okinawan-American interdisciplinary artist, and the author of several published books including I THINK I AM IN FRIEND-LOVE WITH YOU, YOUR ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO BECOMING ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE and THE LITTLE BOOK OF LIFE HACKS. She has also been published in Bitch, BuzzFeed, The Best American Non-Required Reading 2014, DUM DUM ZINE, and other publications, and exhibited multimedia works at the Japanese American National Museum and the Smithsonian Arts & Industries Building. A Sagittarius sun and an Aquarius rising with a midheaven in Scorpio, she currently lives in Los Angeles. @yumisakugawa

Yumi has written 1 article for us.


  1. I want to put this on my wall and look at it every day 😍 Are there other azn witchy people in the world?? how do i find them??

  2. Hold soft loving tender compassion for all of your younger selves who did not know how to love themselves

    Wow. wow. wow. So incredibly powerful.

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