Playlist: First Snow of the Year

This week, the East Coast from which I hail got its first dusting of snow. Even though I now live in the Far North aka Michigan, yesterday was like 55 and sunny, and today I only barely need a jacket. And while I know many of my East Coast friends are grumpy about snow before Thanksgiving, it does make me a little nostalgic for my shitty poorly-heated former apartment, and watching the snow fall from my bedroom window, and having my car towed, and having to share one snow shovel between our apartment and the people who lived downstairs. Actually, I’m not super nostalgic for all of that, but listening to some dreamy snowy music sounds nice.


Valley Winter Song-Fountains Of Wayne
If This City Never Sleeps – Rosie Thomas
The First Snow of the Year – Jason Anderson
Snow Song – The Mountain Goats
Snow Day – Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories
20 Years Of Snow – Regina Spektor
The Only Living Boy In New York – Simon & Garfunkel
Take Me Home– Perfume Genius
Snow Crush Killing Song– The Mountain Goats
Grey Gardens – Rufus Wainwright
Half A Week Before The Winter– Vanessa Carlton
Poor Places – Wilco
Sleeping Bear, Sault Ste. Marie – Sufjan Stevens
Angel In The Snow– Elliott Smith
A Long December – Counting Crows
November – Azure Ray
Snow Falls In November – Julie Doiron

First Snow from Autostraddle on 8tracks Radio.

What songs are you listening to for snowy days?

Want to suggest a playlist theme? Hit Crystal up on Formspring and someone on the team will make it for you.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Excellent playlist Rachel.

    It’s funny, I’m so blase about it up here that I just call it white shit instead of snow.

    I tend to listen to classical this time of year. Especially Bach.

  2. Rachel this playlist is so good! It’s making me homesick. May I humbly suggest also “December” by Regina Spektor and “Coat Check Dream Song” by Bright Eyes. And perhaps “Abominable Snowman in the Market” by Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers.

    • nope, can’t listen to “December” ever again because i will literally never stop crying

      but also these are actually really good suggestions, so thank you!

  3. This is gorgeous! Here’s one for you to add, the cuddliest track in the world:

    ‘Sleep the winter’ by eagleowl

  4. Goodbye England (Covered In Snow) – Laura Marling. That seems appropriate.

    Also Knee Deep At ATP by Los Campesinos!, if only for the line “So maybe the lining of a winter coat mightn’t be the best place, to hide a summer secret”.

  5. I listen to a lot of Ingrid Michaelson when it snows because she’s awesome and also 100% of her songs are about snow. The Hat, December Baby, Snowfall, Men of Snow, etc. And don’t forget the lesbian classic “Winter Song” with Sara Bareilles. My god, that fucking video.

  6. I love snow music but I also live in San Diego where it’s jorts weather all day, errday. I’ll just have to make it work. :)

  7. this is perfect in every sense of the word.

    also i really love listening to “small world” by ani in the winter (i mean i love everything by ani ever all the time, but i particularly enjoy this one in the winter) because it’s so hauntingly beautiful and reminds me of this very mysterious intriguing girl i used to give rides to when i was a senior and she was a freshman in high school. i hope this doesn’t sound creepy because maybe that can be construed as creepy — but basically i had no idea i was gay, i was going about life dating/kissing boys, blah blah blah, but this girl was so fascinating to me, and so wise even though she was 3 years younger, and she’d sit on the floor outside the photo lab (lots of kids sat on the floor outside the photo lab) and whenever i left the photo room i’d kind of stop and just be really taken aback by how…not beautiful, just, striking? lost? perfect? she was..anyway she lived near me, i knew because she told me NOT BECAUSE I AM A CREEPY STALKER, and she used to walk home in the snow so one day i saw her and offered her a ride and then it sort of just became a thing, and i had a boyfriend and she was just some girl in my brother’s grade, but anyway we were listening to ani one day and she asked if i’d ever heard “small world” and i said no and she took her ginormous headphones out of her backpack and had me park and put them on and listen to it, and i sort of felt like crying, and it’s so obvious now that i wanted to date her but at the time i just could not comprehend that so i just kept giving her rides and dating my boyfriend and listening to “small world” on repeat.

    um. so that was a lot more than i intended to share. but anyway.

    happy first snow, new york.

  8. Nearly made me cry seeing The Only Living Boy In New York on this playlist. It reminds me of December and cold, so it’s perfect!

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