• Girl-on-Greece: The Incredibly True Adventures of a Gay History Nerd in Love with Mount Olympus

    “I wanted to stay there forever and start from scratch. I wanted us to go back and live like these people did because it was just so much cooler. Everyone around me was shifting — people got a little quieter, some slowly broke from their group to sit on the hill, and some people walked to the center of the field and just stood motionless. I think it also helped that a few hundred feet away stood Mount Olympus. You guys, History!!

  • NYC Pride Weekend 2009: The Recap – If It’s Good For You Then It’s Good For Me

    This is the true story of seven team members and twelve interns picked to sleep on the floor and have their lives photographed, cartooned, tweeted, blogged, facebooked and autostraddled. Find out what happens when lesbians [and interns who claim to not be lesbians] stop being polite and start getting real queer!

  • Autofocus! Goes to Ithaca: Travel Tips for Lesbians in Love

    Our photoblogger Robin and her girlfriend Carlytron, aka the cutest couple ever, travel to Gorges Ithaca and a wedding in the Berkshires provide some helpful hints for traveling with your lesbian lover.

  • 2007 RFamily Vacations Gay Cruise Blog, Part #1

    “Around five in the afternoon (I think), Janet (an actress-friend of Haviland’s) purchased me something large and mostly vodka. Somewhere between then and the next three hours, Heather and I did a shot or more, which for some sadistic reason beyond our control, were served to us in plastic cups and probs were more like 10 shots. We stole a picture of Ariel to color in and some chocolates and a shuffle-puck and some crayons.”