• How “L Word” Internet Fandom Built Autostraddle Dot Com: The Oral History

    “Laneia, that was our first official interaction in the world — you seeing a link to my blog on The Planet Boards and wanting to delete it.”

  • Go Ask Alice: Smoking With The L Word

    I’ve compiled a list of your favorite L Word characters and the strains I think they would smoke. See if any of these apply to you; who knows, you could be smoking very Shane today.

  • Laurel Holloman Would Make Bette Porter Swoon, Too: The Autostraddle Interview

    Jess chats with Laurel about her emerging art career, the controversy over The Kids Are All Right, her iconic lesbian roles as Tina and Randy Dean, what TV shows she’d love to be on, whether she’ll act again and much more! Plus, come face to face with Laurel and her artwork at The Dinah this Spring!

  • Easy, Girls: L Word Fans Hurl Selves at Feet of Hailey, Moennig

    Autostraddle’s fearless guest correspondent Hayley braved hordes of screaming L word fans to bring you all the details of L7, the seventh convention for L Word fans, held in Birmingham, UK. Questions! Answers! Pet turtles! Ever wonder what Kate Moennig thought about Shenny or what Leisha Hailey has to say about Kate’s skills in the BOUDOIR? Read on, queers, so that you can sleep better at night knowing the answers.

  • Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going: L Word Season Five Retrospective, Unfortunately Not a Recap

    The L Word’s almost over!! Two short-but-sweet weeks from now, we’ll all be forced to look at each others’ faces and speak words to each other about actual life instead of funneling all our feelings into fictional characters who change personalities every season and often disappear suddenly without warning/explanation.

  • The L Word Episode 411 Recap: Literary License to Kill:

    Why are there twice as many lesbian squabbles as lesbian sexy moments in this show? Oh yeah, it’s because this is the way that we liveeeeeeeee. This is the one where Ilene reminds us all that men are disgusting, loathsome creatures by making henry cut his toenails.

  • The L Word Episode 509 Recap: Liquid Heat

    Everything in LA is too hot to live. The ladies of The L Word have a showdown a la “The Godfather” and then everyone goes home [or to an elevator] and has a lot of sex while Freezepop plays in the back.

  • The L Word Episode 505 Recap: Lookin’ At You Kid

    The last 20 minutes were some of the best I’ve seen on this show. It was fun and quality and featured all those verbs they sing about in that opening song we all cream over. Um, fighting, winning, fucking, whatevs. Up until that? Blah blah podcasts blah love cindy blah. You get the picture.

  • The L Word Episode 606 Recap: Lactose Intolerant

    Episode 606 of The L Word, titled “Lactose Intolerant,” is the worst thing I’ve seen on television since Episode 604 of The L Word. Howevs; whereas 604 was calmly terrible — bumbling softly along its housework-heavy path of mediocrity — 606 was outrageously, actively, aggressively terrible.

  • The L Word Episode 512 Recap: Loyal and True

    Someone just let Angelica honk the horn. already because shit is going DOWN in the season finale. Phyllis, Jodi, and Adele want it their way and Shane’s fucking [it all up] again but at least Helena and her money are here to save The Planet. Because where would be be without The Planet?

  • The Last L Word Recap: Episode 608, “Last Word”

    Talk about NOT ending with a bang. Really IFC, it’s one thing to weigh down your show’s sixth season with an endless parade of unnecessary melodramatic plot devices — a murder, a pregnant man, a stolen film, a botched adoption from homophobic out-of-towners, two out-of-the-blue love triangles — and quite another thing to, when the season ends, not even “use” these devices to infuse the series finale with aforementioned melodrama.