• Atlanta is the Gayest City in the USA, Sorry WeHo!

    Atlanta tops the list of the gayest cities in the USA — and you’ll be surprised who didn’t even rank. Also; Caster Semenya update, Haiti relief efforts, transgender high school quarterback turned lesbian filmmaker, dog people vs. cat people and would Martin Luther King have been an LGBT advocate?

  • Lesbian Teacher Sex Romp Scandal Result of Punk Rock, FACEBOOK

    We bring you highlights from the Lesbian Teacher Sex Romp Story’s infamous facebook page, started by the Brooklyn high school’s students. Also: students drop out of school ’cause it’s expensive obvs, can people LOOK gay and holiday movies for women.

  • JK! There’s No Proof That Lesbians Are Better Parents!

    Anti-gays blame “Gay Infatuation Syndrome” for the headlines spun on lesbian parenting research, but we know otherwise and Mombian breaks it down for you. Also; everyone thinks my girlfriend is a Sir, Catholic attitudes on gays, gossip columnist comes out, Caster Semenya notes on a scandal and Adelaide’s first gay cruise!

  • Dustin Lance Black Won’t Be Bringing His Homo-Hope to Hope College

    Action Alert from Hope College, who snagged Dustin Lance Black for an on-campus visit, only to have the College revoke the invite ’cause it was too “polarizing.” Also; Butter Faces, GLAAD Advertising Awards, Transphobia in 17-Mag, FoxNews vs. POTUS and GLEE gets teen sex right!

  • Daily Fix: Pose Like a Lesbian, Smile With Your Thighs

    Chandra is not a lesbo, the prom queen is a boy, Alexi is wearing Dol-chay, Sotomayor hates bloggers, Obama may or may not care about the gays, Lambert may or may not be out and your girlfriend is pregnant, no lie.