Lesbian Teacher Sex Romp Scandal Result of Punk Rock, FACEBOOK

bkteachersTEACHERS PET EACH OTHERTwo female teachers at Brooklyn high school were found nekked in an empty classroom while students were watching a talent show in the auditorium. To be fair, high school talent shows usually suck, except the one in Mean Girls.  The teachers, 29 year-old Alini Brito (FYI, married to a man) and 33 year-old Cindy Mauro, are ironically romance language teachers and were obvs popular among students.  In fact, every quote in the New York Daily News is about how hot the teachers were and how well they dressed.

Gawker does this story so much justice that we really have nothing funnier to say than what they said:

The New York Post sinks its dripping, sexxxy fangs into the story today, and digs this dirt: The janitor snitched on the nekkid pair (rather than, presumably, doing the “Hellooooo, ladies” porn movie thing) because he thought they were hormonal students, raging sapphically out of control!

Mauro “lives with two other women, recently went punk, dying her hair pink, getting several new tattoos, and wearing tight, low-cut clothing.” An alternative lifestyle haircut can’t be too far off! Furthermore, students say Mauro didn’t like kids making anti-gay remarks in her class.

But WAIT IT GETS BETTER! This story actually started on Facebook. And the students who started the page are getting nervous:

ATTN FANS:Our purpose was just to discuss the rumor as madison students and now its spread even outside of NYC. Now the media has impacted their lives & has portrayed this group as “THE BAD GUY.” Therefore, we, the group Admins, want the fans honest opinion on this: If you guys feel the group is to blame, tell us, and …we’ll put it to rest, we don’t nor ever did wish to harm anyone.”

Personally we endorse these women because we are pro-sex feminists. Somehow the facebook page is still up, and is a repository of gems like these — but seriously, also. I think we need to talk about how the first amendment doesn’t give you permission to slander anyone, either. Maybe this’ll end up being another lesson on the dangers of internet anonymity? We’ll see.






LOOKING GAY: A new study reveals that people can identify the sexual orientation of others in the blink of an eye. (@scienceblogs)

CollegeCOLLEGE: Newsflash: Students drop out of college because it’s expensive, and because they find it hard to support themselves and be in school at the same time”.

The study, which has a margin of error of plus or minus five percentage points, found substantial differences between those who completed a degree and those who did not. Among those who dropped out, nearly 6 in 10 got no help from their parents in paying tuition. Among those who got degrees, more than 6 in 10 had tuition help from their families.

(from @nytimes via @good)

TRANS: The Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund on Monday filed a complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Rights on behalf of 17-year-old trans woman Zikerria Bellamy after she was denied a job at a McDonald’s restaurant in Orlando because she is transgender. 365 Gay today reported that the manager who left the message has been fired. (@instant tea)

FEMINISM: The Daily Beast, explores “the left’s latest divide,” pitting feminists and nation-builders against antiwar sentiment. (@dailybeast)

HOLIDAYS HURT WOMEN SRSLY: Bah humbug! Or, why holiday movies aren’t really a gift to women “All accomplishments are invalid unless they’re framed within the context of serving as daughter, wife or mother. Individual achievement is for monsters!” (@bitch)

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. I’m pro anyone-following-what-their-body-wants-them-to-do but a classroom, ladies?
    Really, Papi?

    I wanna click that looking gay link but my clicking finger is being so lazy.

  2. um, as i mentioned earlier, my favourite part of the lesbian teacher scandal is the part where the ny post described the spanish and french teacher as “brushing up on each other’s foreign tongues.” FTW!!!

    • i think gawker also drew attention to the fact that they both taught ‘romance languages.’

      my favorite part is that it’s still totally possible that it’s totally not even true.

  3. Pingback: Lesbian Teacher Sex Romp Scandal Result of Punk Rock, FACEBOOK QV China

  4. I don’t know why I expect scientific studies like this “rapid gaydar” one to acknowledge the existence of lesbians in any way, but I naively always do, and every time I am disappointed. I wonder if they can snap identify my sad face.

  5. 39% of new york post readers don’t think the teachers should be punished. 38% think they should be fired. people love lesbian sex.

  6. omg i can totally identify someone’s sexual orientation in the blink of an eye…except maybe all the super straight girls i occasionally fall in love with

  7. Maybe the results for identifying queers were so high because people knew that they were supposed to be identifying either gay or straight men. In real life people don’t go around looking for gays unless they’re gay themselves (or it’s super obvious).

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