• VIDEO: Dani Campbell Does Miami, With Pam Grier & Rea Carey

    As promised, Dani Campbell took Autostraddle with her to this year’s Winter Party Festival in Miami Beach, Florida; where she chatted it up with Pam Grier (Kit Porter from “The L Word” and FOXY F*CKING BROWN), who is actually the most awesome person of all time. Dani gets tips on becoming a better activist from Rea Carey, the Executive Director of the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force. The camera loves Dani Campbell, it just told me so!

  • Jennifer Beals Shoots L Word Book, Is Perfect: The Autostraddle Interview

    Jennifer Beals, Supreme Being of Life, talks to Autostraddle about her new photography project The L Word Book, disappointment in Obama, the Johnny Weir controversy, the possibility of a movie, the TiBette phenomenon, closeted Hollywood actors, and just what makes her so goddamn perfect.

  • Top Chef Master & Out Lesbian Anita Lo: The Autostraddle Interview

    Top Chef Master Anita Lo talks to Autostraddle about beating Mario Batali at Iron Chef, her new venture Rickshaw, why you shouldn’t be afraid to eat weird food, and the challenges & rewards of being a Chinese-American Lesbian Chef & restaurant owner!

  • A Shot at Tila Tequila: The Autostraddle Interview

    Autostraddle stops talking about Tila and talks to her instead: “Hopefully, after people read this interview, it will change their minds about me. But if not, it doesn’t matter. I’m still happy. I’m still going to fight for our right to get married. I’m going to buy my Teletubbies pajamas, and throw pickles at paparazzi!”

  • Sweet Sweet Charlene of Logo’s “Gimme Sugar”: The Autostraddle Interview

    “You have to break the shell, be okay with who you are regardless of the cameras and know that there’s someone out there who’s gonna relate to you. There’s no character space so if you’re not yourself that shuts off the whole reason for reality TV. Especially when it’s something about lesbians — that’s for everyone, even for gay boys, we’re fighting for visibility.”