• S L I C K: Dream Palace

    When you slide in, the girls unnestle and immediately home in on your navel. They lick their lips and lunge forward. One digs in with both sets of claws.

  • S L I C K: Constellations #3 Bennett & Reina Turn Concrete to Sand

    Bennett could barely feel the flogger’s tails on their back. It was all muffled, hitting the energetic wall that felt like concrete, not actually feeling it make contact with their skin. By the time Reina fell into a pattern, Bennett was starting to soften. The dense thud was working the concrete into clay, clay into sand, and Bennett was starting to feel again.

  • S L I C K: Constellations #5 A First Date Picnic With Bennett & Ella

    Bennett raised their eyebrows, trying not to blush. They wanted it, they really, really wanted it. They’d made themself a promise because they didn’t want to get involved with someone who wasn’t right. But this was different.

  • SLICK: What Ever Happened To Baby Blue?

    “Sometimes winning the switch fight meant kind of losing. When you were both switches, though, everybody won no matter the outcome. It all came down to pride and play.”

  • S L I C K: Yes, Daddy

    I wanted you to dominate me, Daddy, and you relished the chance. The leather straps twirled through the air as the pain grew sharper and more familiar. It stung hard. And it felt so fucking good.

  • S L I C K: Come Inside

    I should’ve masturbated in the shower. I need to be pushed against a wall. She smells like the ocean.