Calling all Homoganjas! Let’s talk about anything and everything marijuana related, from legalization to pop culture to how to make your own bong using a box of Diva cups and a broken lamp. Whether you’re a newbie who doesn’t know a blunt from a joint, or you’re planning your gay dream wedding to Mary Jane, this column is for you. Puff, Puff, Pass.
Header by Rory Midhani
Homoganjas, I don’t want to brag or anything, but I’m somewhat of a tech whiz in my family. Only in my family, though. I can talk my mom through cutting and pasting web addresses like a pro. I can help my sister scan pictures onto her laptop and then attach them to emails. I even have a basic to subpar working knowledge of iTunes. But despite my mother’s proclamations that her daughter is the next Bill Gates, in the real world I am hopeless with all things tech-related.
This is especially true regarding my knowledge (or lack thereof) of apps. This is coming from someone who has three different flashlight apps and makes daily use of her light saber app. Oh well. So here’s my stab at Queer Your Tech With Fun Aka Queer Your Tech With a Stoner Too Afraid to Update to iOS7.
For your consideration, my six favorite Marijuana-related apps:
1. Leafly – iOS, Andriod

via itunes
Leafly aka Marijuana Strain and Dispensary Reviews, is a brilliant catalogue of more than 500 strains. Not only does Leafly thoughtfully review these strains, but it allows you to cross-reference strains based on side effects, flavors, and recommended medical usage. It also helps you find dispensaries, and posts 420 news and factoids. If you only download one marijuana-based app, this is the one to download. And it’s free on both iOS and Android phones.
2. Marijuana Handbook Lite

Marijuana Handbook Lite is a nifty little app that houses a strains library with descriptions and pictures. It also has a wormhole of marijuana knowledge and trivia that is great for killing time. It even has a recipe section for all you baked bakers! This is a fun free app that is easy to use, and it’s also free and available on iOS and Android. And if you’re feeling prosperous you can always spring for the full version for $2.99.

via Google Play app store
This app is the Yelp of dispensary apps. Aside from, you know, Yelp. In addition to finding and mapping the nearest MMJ dispensary, this app also lists prices, menus, and daily specials in your area. I find this to be an especially useful app, as dispensaries in Los Angeles are more ubiquitous than Starbucks. California is indeed a magical place. Also free and available on iOS and Android.
4. Grasscity Community

via Google Play app store
The Grasscity Community app is the mobile version of the immensely popular marijuana forum. With over 16 million posts, Grasscity is the hub of any and all cannabis conversation. From legalization to hemp history to equipment recommendations, Grasscity covers it all. This online smoke circle is a great resource for information, and vigilant moderators keep the trolling to a minimum. Again, free and avail on iOS and Android.
5. Legalize It!

via itunes
Legalize It! is an app devoted entirely to legalization efforts across the country. It features a state by state breakdown of laws and possession fines, as well as a comprehensive history of legalization. Not only is it a good educational resource, but it also features a “take action” tab that helps you send pro-legalization emails to elected officials! Damn the man, spam the empire! Free, but only avail on iOS.
6. Grow Buddy

Grow Buddy is an app geared towards people who grow their own marijuana. It records notes and helps track pH levels, inventory, and feeding schedules. This app helps to keep your ganja garden organized and efficient. Sidebar, it’s fun to read the Amazon reviews of angry people who thought this was a straight up gardening app. I would use this app if I grew my own stuff, but since I’ve managed to massacre multiple cacti, I’ll leave the growing to the professionals. Seriously, my apartment is like a terrarium cemetery. This app is also free, but only avail on Android.
And finally:
7. Light Saber Apps All Day and All Night!

Because if I didn’t have a job, I’d just be light saber dueling all day. Also, it’s a lot of fun to take Star Wars quotes and insert weed jargon, i.e. “I find your lack of Sativa disturbing” or “these are not the joints you’re looking for.” Go ahead, try it.
What about you, young Padawans? Favorite weed apps? Websites? Need me to help you with your AOL email? Because I got that shit on lock.
All pics from Google Play and iTunes App Store.
omg i had no idea leafly had an app, fuck yeah
-another stoner afraid to update to iOS7
Can you do a post on how to find fellow homoganja friends and/or dealers? My queer friends are all straightedge and my stoner friends are mostly dudes.
I’d be interested in that. All my stoner friends were/are straight women, and gay men. I need more queer female friends to hang with(that are local).
Queer smoke circles are hard to find. The first thing I would do is find a local Autostraddle group on fb, which is obvs filled with awesome people. Then I would search within that group, see if anyone wants to hang out and blaze…like an international meet-up, but with more weed/funyuns!
Can we do that for the Autostraddle LA group, like just straight out mention it, or is that like against the code or something, because I would feel a bit weird asking that.
As admin for We Straddle LA! I could not support it more!
I love that idea
like we can straight up just post and say anyone interested in stoner/reefer queer meet up? Or how would we go about saying it?
I didn’t even know local Autostraddle fb groups were a thing and now I’m super happy! ^.^
You don’t have to buy from queers. Just buy from your dude friends. Who ya gonna inhale with tho.
Not sure how you can skip weedmaps, which imho is better than thcfinder. While Grasscity is a pretty good community, I stopped going on there because they are too focused on smoke, and I have moved beyond that to a more positive image.
Chelsea, I LOVE this column. I also love your name, probably because I have the same one.
Just wanted to stop by and say hello and keep up the great work!
I also have a giant crush on you.
A fellow homoganja,
A million thanks to Rory Midhani for that awesome header!! I wish I could put that on a business card and give it to everyone I meet ever.
You forgot WeedMaps! Most up-to-date info with dispensary reviews. Not the greatest interface, but excellent nonetheless (as is the website)!
I’m a bit confused about all the weed and femme articles because all the people I’ve met that do marijuana have been straight people (mostly straight guys). I didn’t think there was any real link between any particular sexuality/gender presentation and a person’s propensity to take drugs and it feels a little uncomfortable to make that assumption to me. Like people assume enough about me being femme, I don’t need people assuming I smoke weed all day errday too. Maybe it would be better to have a recreational drugs column instead of sticking femmes with the drugs? I dunno, that’s just my feelings on it…….
it’s a regular column, which is why there are multiple articles. it’s called “high femme” because the author is, well…a high femme. she’s not saying that being femme is associated with smoking weed, it just happens to be a great play on words.
but also, and this is directed toward not just you but also others who have commented about it being a problem to associate smoking weed with being queer – why do you all have such a problem with this? weed is not bad. medical marijuana is legal in a bunch of states now, and recreational marijuana is even legal in two states. weed has about a million benefits and has not been proven to do anything harmful. and as someone who does “smoke weed all day errday” to cope with mental illness (and btw, I still happen to be a functional person with a job, despite being a stoner), I take offense at these kinds of remarks. I have just as much of a problem with people assuming things about me because I smoke weed as I do with people assuming things about me because I’m queer, and comments like these are totally buying into negative assumptions about people who smoke weed.
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