Daily Fix 3.27.09 – Return to Pancake Mountain with Labor Pains and Glory in Delaware

Today on Autostraddle: AMAZING interview — Stef-on-Hesta Prynn about her new solo project (Sara Quin is “A&R’ing” on it!) Hesta’s band Northern State toured with Tegan & Sara last year, which is reason 450 on the list of why Gay Ladies Love Northern State. Reason #1 is that Hesta’s new project is kickass and will blow your boy-briefs right off your lesbian ass, and obvs Northern State has been consistently kickass for many many years.

Northern State w/Rufus, Tegan & Sara on Pancake Mountain:

1. Linday Lohan’s “Labor Pains” will debut on ABC Family this summer. I think it’s time they change their channel name to ABC Family Planning as they seem obsessed with pregnancy. Cheryl Hines and Janeane Garafalo also star in the film, which is about a woman who has to fake pregnancy to keep her job, otherwise known as The Daniela Sea Story. (@variety)
Here’s the trailer:

2. Bitch magazine visits the backyard queer party GAYbiGAYGAY at SXSW, takes amazing photos of drag queens and etc: GaybiGAYGAY, y’all! (@bitch)

3. Coming out of the Closet – at Gunpoint (@newsweek) (thanks to Marya for the tip)

4. Wanna know how much money Joe Solmonese makes for emailing  you eight days a week? The Washington Blade has released a survey on the compensation paid to those leading 30 LGBT and AIDS organizations. Pam’s House Blend takes a look.

5. Gay Rights VICTORY in Delaware! (@the advocate)

6. Lady Sovereign’s new video for “So Human,” via girlfriend is a homo:



from Carly:
We’ve been toying around with ideas for a fashion component to this site, but until then I’ll try to add some cool style links to the daily fix. Jump start your spring/summer wardrobe with these killer Sebago Docksiders designed by Vane New York. They are opening their Lower East Side pop-up shop today, but you can order them on the Sebago website as well. Act fast — they only made 360 pairs of each of the 4 designs (check out the look book here). (@coolhunting)

alex-iconfrom Alex:
How to make a bike bag thingy (a pannier? Is that the word?) from recycled stuff for less than $10. (@brooklyn by bike)

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3298 articles for us.


    • If The L Word was still on, this would be a key candidate for a sex scene montage involving Alice and food.

  1. Yeah, Lady Sovereign is *almost* weird and cute enough for me to forgive The Cure theivery. Almost. I’m going to listen to Close to Me now so I can feel less dirty.

  2. i can’t avoid adoring tegan and sara, in all their dimensions: as people, as singers, as sisters,…could they be more cool?
    last weekend, i told a woman (in cubbyhole or in stonewall, i can’t remember) that she reminded me of sara quinn (i was drunk, of course, she could not possibly be so cute), and she got offended!!! she replied “these girls are ten!” (to what i replied “no, they are twelve” ;))
    rude people….

  3. annnnd if you like cheryl hines (lindsay lo’s co-star), you’ll love her in her new sitcom, “In the Motherhood” with Megan Mullally (Karen on Will and Grace) Very cute show!

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