Autostraddle Presents “The L Word: WTF!!?” Video Part #2

Zomg! Rememeber 25 days ago, when I posted The L Word WTF Part #1? Seems like just yesterday, doesn’t it? Dana died, Betty partied on, Papi had never been denied a lady … well, this here is Part Two of my opus masterpiece, best described 25 days ago:

I had an idea to make a spectacular video encompassing every ridiculous WTF moment of TFS (this fucking show), The L Word. I described it with such enthusiasm “THE MUSIC BEGINS! And THEN! Bam!! -Max feels the baby kick BAM! – it’s Henry’s back fucking Tina – the music rises and BAM-BAM – Kit’s jive talking BAM! The Nanny gives Angus a Blow Job BAM! Jenny with the paper dolls–” that I completely convinced myself it was the best idea I’d ever had. Now that I’ve actually begun this endless undertaking, I’m more on the fence. Anyhow.”

Little did I know how lucky I was back then, still having all the ripest fruits at my disposal. I mean “Party on, Dana?” You can’t beat that. Sidenote: going through all these motherfrackin’ DVDs … did Ilene give Max ANY lines that didn’t include either the word “body” or the word “computer”? Sheesh. Flesh a brother out, I-effin-C.

But you sure can try!

Autostraddle Presents Part #2 of The L Word: WTF?!, celebrating all the moments of this fine program that made us embarrassed to explain it to our friends. Ready to take a little journey down Memory Lane to a time when Angus was too hot to be a papa, OurChart was SO much fun, no one understood Max and Phoebe Sparkle desired BETTY’s pleasure? All aboard!

TLW: WTF?! Part #2 from autostraddle on Vimeo.

And if you haven’t seen Part #1 already, here it is:

Autostraddle Presents: “TLW WTF?” from autostraddle on Vimeo.


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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3255 articles for us.


  1. oh my god, somehow that was even better than the first part. did anyone at the times talk panel ask J Beals if “arson! arson!” was ad-libbed? i feel like it was.

  2. I’m so glad that you included the “Fuck you motherfucker” part. My girlfriend and I quote that scene to each other all the time.

  3. I loved so many parts about this that I don’t know where to begin. Probs with the Kit and OurChart scenes – hilarlious/ridiculous/mind blowing. I still have no idea how IFC got away with it for as long as she did. Killer editing and soundtrack.

  4. lolz

    I liked when kit tossed the drink and smashed the glass. I was hoping she was gonna cut Angus. So much feeEeeling Pam! Everyone always had so much… many… feelings.


    The Really Papi? Really? moment is classic L Word WTF too.

    the 50s-style dream montage with Shane and Paige is my suggestion for a Part III if you ever do one… and Jenny’s entire monologue about manatees from Season 1 or early Season 2…

  6. sometimes, i think it’s really unfortunate that the whole world hasn’t seen the l word. not because it’s good, but because no one in real like would get it if i called someone a “nanny-fucking motherfucker” or whined “you don’t understaaaaaaand.” yano?

    • I do that a lot and everyone looks at me like I’m an alien.

      ROFL with this video! Arson, arson!

  7. I hope there’s a “nanny-fuckin-motha-fucka” remix on the way. I feel like it would work brilliantly.

    “What? You’ve never been on OurChart? omg It’s so much fun, you don’t know what you’re missing.” good lord.

  8. favorite part has to be the ourchart interlude haha Max “head of computers for ourchart” haha

    I’m glad Max gets a lot of face time in this, especially since they (I don’t know who THEY is but maybe I’ll just blame CBS), anyway since they left Max out of the retrospective thing at the Times Talk and all.. Also, loving the music, and the “go Dana” is great, and now I remember where I got “what the frick and frack” from and that’s why I use it at least once a day haha

    Thanks for doing these, for real!

  9. Brava! The nanny fucking mother fucker scene just might be my all time Kit scene. Cracked me up. “Some of ourcharts” was brilliant.

  10. Fucking great! The “kit – in the mix” part is fabulous! You should make a song with it !
    And to quote the infamous S1 parody :
    “I’m tellin yo baby sista!”

  11. Oh , and it’s true that maybe DS isn’t the best actress ever , but the lines and the scenes that she had to say/play were terrible! Just watch this! I’m actually feeling sorry for the her!

  12. Love.

    It’s really funny, because my Mom quotes the l word all the time, and sometimes I don’t even think she knows what she’s quoting. She says “really papi? really?” more than anyone i know. hahah

    I love these both sooo soo much.
    Cut. Print.

  13. LMAO – that was genius, pure genius Riese et al….pretty much you could include all the Max and all the crazy ass Jenny Schecter shit – actually Jenny could have her own and Max could have his own eh?

    It was brilliant – I’m very impressed all to heck! If I could hug you I would…. *hugs*

    “What the frick & frack” was great….

    I had a lesbian friend that said something like that all the time even before the L Word – I still think they stole it from her…

    Anyway – “nany-f’ing-mofo” is the best flip out scene…Pam Grier does a great flippin’ out scene (I saw shades of Jackie Brown there, definitely!)

    For sure – do a remix with that nanny-f’ing-mo’fo thing – perhaps with that damn song they made Pam Grier sing…(or was that EZgirl & Pam lip synching?).

    And I totlly forgot they put Betty in a damned love scene – ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wtf? Was tht an IFC fantasy moment?(PUke!)

    And I agree with the user that said include that damned 1950’s thing with Paige and Shane – that was f’ed up – esp. cuz it was spliced with a sex scene with them – which was very – unsexy….

    Also, I suggest for part III: if you ever feel inspired:

    Thank you! For including that f’ed up Marina dance troupe thing – wtf? They have Karina Lombard come back for the f’ed up Canadian French broad to hit on her & Jenny to deny her and for the dance troupe? WTF?

    Anything with Henry – esp. the dinner party scene where they invited all the lesbian friends over with the homophobic straight friends – the most unlikely f’ing dinner party ever! The funniest moment was Angus talking about ass butter in that!

    Also the Adele thing – thank you!

  14. Oh yeah, and thank you for including Bette pushing away Kelly – classic rejection – you really should put in Phyllis hitting on Bette P. after she fired her in the bar, and Bette dodging the kiss too! LOL

  15. Can the nanny fuckin muthafucka remix include arson, arson? Cuz that would friggin make my year! :D

  16. Funny, funny stuff. I also want alex to make me a grilled cheese, as long a your taking orders

  17. LMAO! Riese you never disappoint! I think a massive WTF was Alice and Phyllis being together *shudder*! And I forgot how much Betty popped up in the first few seasons – hate them! As Sandra Bernhard said “They should be back in New York begging on the streets”! Amen to that!

  18. This is the best use of 6 minutes that I could possibly think of. So many bizarre moments on this show.

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