Also.Also.Also: Let Your Bi Flag Fly, Colors Can’t Have Copyright

In case you were wondering: Yes, I already memorized the entire Savage Remix while working up MANY sweats pathetically twerking in the mirror. (Dancing is not my skillset, but for the Queen we try our best)

Bey Hive 🐝 we eating. So proud of Meg’s come up.

Here’s what else is happening in the world.

Queer as in F*ck You

Sorry, Straight People: Lockdown Culture is Just Lesbian Culture. Homemade hummus, DIY haircuts and constant yearning? We’ve been doing that for decades.

A leader of BiNet USA is threatening legal action & demanding payment for use of the bisexual pride flag.

(PS: This probably goes without saying, but No, You Can’t Copyright the Bi Pride Flag)

What Will Pride Even Mean This Year?

Ooof. A Lesbian Couple Got Engaged Last Month. They Just Disappeared Without a Trace.

Saw This, Thought of You

“My Quarantine Cat Hates Me”

“Meaning-making is always dynamic and unstable. We can differentiate between a face mask as an item that is going to close you off from something, or bring some closure on the street, in a public space, or in the supermarket. And then we can talk about those cultural contexts where the mask is coded as an expression of civic duty.” Face Masks and Politics of Vulnerability

Simone De Beauvoir’s ‘Too Intimate’ Novel to Be Published After 75 Years

This made Rachel “rly relieved to be single”: Petting the Cat Wrong and 16 Other Ways Our Partners Are Trying to Hurt Us

The 29 Best Red Lipsticks of All Time

Pandemic Advertising Got Weird FastPandemic Advertising Got Weird Fast

How Animal Crossing’s Singing Shih Tzu Took Over TikTok

U.S. Women’s Volleyball League to Start in 2021

Lorraine Hansberry’s Radicalism. Wow, this goes so well with Natalie‘s “The Quiet Lesbian Biography of Lorraine Hansberry” from Autostraddle’s 2020 Black History Month celebration. The perfect pair.

Political Snacks

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Carmen Phillips

Carmen Phillips is Autostraddle's former editor in chief. She began at Autostraddle in 2017 as a freelance team writer and worked her way up through the company, eventually becoming the EIC from 2021-2024. A Black Puerto Rican feminist writer with a PhD in American Studies from New York University, Carmen specializes in writing about Blackness, race, queerness, politics, culture, and the many ways we find community and connection with each other.  During her time at Autostraddle, Carmen focused on pop culture, TV and film reviews, criticism, interviews, and news analysis. She claims many past homes, but left the largest parts of her heart in Detroit, Brooklyn, and Buffalo, NY. And there were several years in her early 20s when she earnestly slept with a copy of James Baldwin’s “Fire Next Time” under her pillow. To reach out, you can find Carmen on Twitter, Instagram, or her website.

Carmen has written 716 articles for us.


  1. The thing that gets me about Biden is people are saying it’s him or Trump. Biden IS NOT the Democratic candidate yet. We can still tell him to step down and make a different choice (I’M talking about Warren, but you do you).

    • I would love it to be Warren or Bernie, though both face the challenge of their politics being too left for the DNCs liking and Warren faces additional difficulties, because she got a lot less delegates than Bernie.
      That said with the additional corrobation for Tara Reade’s allegations switching out Biden is the only way to go in my opinion, even though I am afraid the DNC is going to replace him with a Mike Bloomberg or Andrew Cuomo type.

    • Sigh
      We could’ve had our choice from so many fucking amazing candidates…

  2. I am sorry but hummus is Mediterranean culture & will not stand the erasure Lebanese make it the best, they did invent it after all.

  3. I just baked bread and ate it with hummus and my banana bread is cooling. There are so many flowers and plants around me. I was planning to do some sewing this afternoon.

    I feel seen. To seen.
    Has someone hacked my webcam?

  4. Also: that bi-flag story was a wild ride, and I liked the pride story. Thanks for the roundup!

  5. The story about the disappearance of the lesbian couple really freaked me out, after reading that story I am just waiting to hear that they have been either murdered by some bigot or kidnapped by sextraffickers, I’m still hoping for the best though.

    • That story scared me, too. I used to live near there, Wilmington was the “big city” I’d go hang out in…. omg. I’ve since moved to find a larger town and a different demographic, shall we say. My family still lives in the area. It’s a big college town, too.
      I’m holding out hope for the best possible outcome. Maybe they eloped to Mexico with their tax refund and stimulus bonus?? I was tempted, tbh

  6. Y’all, I’m bi, yay! I’m also an artist and designer.
    I adore color and have a discerning eye. If there was a thing like a sommelier but for color, that’s me. Oh, and I’m picky. :)

    My LEAST FAVORITE and downright annoying color combination ever, ever in my world is purple and pink. Seriously. It is like nails on a chalkboard to me. I loathe it.

    Don’t get me wrong, I still love Lisa Frank. I will argue that there are a) enough other colors to balance the ratio and b) there are no hard lines in her work. Pairing playful pink with happy-go-lucky purple and THEN adding hard edges — Oof. I am completely turned off by this poor flag!

    Why aren’t we using *red* and blue? That is what makes purple, anyway. Red and purple is now my new bi pride color combo. There we go. And let’s use a deep Prussian or bright navy to complete the look. Now that is a flag I can endorse. I think Michael Page was color blind. Bless his heart. ❤️💜💙

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