• Kate Moennig Is Shy, Beautiful

    It’s time for your tri-annual update on Shane’s whereabouts. Plus: James Franco talks gay rumors and sexuality with Playboy, Jane Lynch & wife Lara Embry do Vogue, Haviland Stillwell is on stage in LA, and Stephen Colbert does “It Gets Better.”

  • Johnny Weir is Gay, Officially

    Johnny Weir finally comes out / wants the world to know that he’s a big queer/has a new book coming out, James Franco is totally cool with you thinking he’s gay, Lady Gaga performs “Someone to Watch Over Me” and the People’s Choice Awards were so gay last night.

  • Colbert & Stewart’s Rally to Restore Sanity/Fear Makes a Point: “If We Amplify Everything, We Hear Nothing”

    Happy Halloweenday Funday It’s Sunday The Funnest Day. Are you dressed up right now. Are you wearing lingerie with mouse ears. I dunno I heard that was a thing. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert’s Rally To Restore Sanity: it happened! Also there’s a new James Franco interview and Kurt is gonna get a gay boy kiss!