• Every Plot Of Every Lesbian Movie, Ever

    “When did I become so silly! Look at me, riding horses and driving backwards on the highway! Who knew girls were so much like drugs or like aerial gymnastics?”

  • Like Love Was A Thing I Could Do

    “Isn’t this what Valentine’s Day had always been to me? A pageant? An opportunity to try on the idea of being in love, being traditional, being a couple you could fit into a envelope.”

  • It’s Not Britney, Bitch.

    If only the outrage over a rehabilitated 29-year-old woman becoming the personal and financial property of a man she dislikes was half as loud as the chorus that once proclaimed her outfits degrading to women.

  • Real L Word Needs Lesbian Executive Realness, Context, Depth: How We’d Fix It

    The Real L Word could’ve been a much better show. Here’s why it failed, and why there might be hope for The Little Chicken That Couldn’t.

  • I Don’t Care About The Future

    Hey did you hear that Lady Gaga is thinking about possibly considering maybe ordering the chicken over the fish? No? Because I did! And guess what: ignoring this bullshit is the best possible way I can do my job.

  • Let Us Now Praise Effeminate Men

    Alan Cumming’s latest blog post sums up the week perfectly, and addresses perhaps Newsweekgate’s most underasked question: “What is wrong with being effeminate, anyway?” It’s Friday, y’all. Let us praise ye wise men who know “queeny” isn’t even a word, give you some wisdom and share some of our favorite videos; Kurt’s Turn in Glee, Adam Lambert goes crazy, Alan Cumming emcees, Rickie finds World Happiness and Peter Paige finds Emmet’s truth.

  • Why Taylor Swift Offends Little Monsters, Feminists, and Weirdos

    A symbolical analysis of the Taylor Swift canon (w/infographic). Is there art without sex? Love without raincoats? Feminism without girls? Beauty without dirt? Copycats without claws?