• The Loneliness of Being Fat at Camp

    “I shower. Get dressed. Read or listen to music until my hair is mostly dry and I can brush it. I don’t wear makeup and I don’t know how to do anything with my hair. No one wears the same size as me. I don’t know how to be a part of this ritual.”

  • How We Feel About Being Fat

    A reader requested a roundtable where Autostraddle’s fat staff talk about how fatness, diet culture, and body positivity, relate to our queerness, identity, and gender. We aim to please, so here we are!

  • Drawn to Comics: Taking a Look at Molly Alice Hoy’s Comics

    Molly Alice Hoy is a queer cartoonist who addresses topics ranging from body image to queer cats to being half in the closet and half out with a deft hand and relatable stories.

  • “Every/Body” Shows Over 40 Different Perspectives on Gender and Bodies

    Exploring 40 different artist’s feelings and experiences about their bodies and gender, the zine “Every/Body” has stories and comics ranging from the touching and tragic, to the inspiring and uplifting.

  • Fat, Trans and (Working on Being) Fine With It

    “Not only do I have to deal with the crippling dysphoria that comes from having a body that I often don’t even recognize as my own, I also have to deal with the cultural misogyny that tells me that a woman can’t be as big and fat as I am and still be desirable.”