• Reuse, Recycle, Repoussé: Beer Can Earrings

    This week at A-Camp, we’ll be using all these cans to make simple repoussé earrings. If you’ve got a can waiting to be recycled, bust out your scissors and join us. And if not, I bet there’s something cold in your fridge just begging for you to drink it.

  • Take Yourself on a Diarist’s Hike

    Can you capture some of the magic of A-Camp’s Diarist Hike where you live? Based on my experiences, I’d say yes.

  • Liquor On The Mountain: Whiskey Women

    This year at A-Camp, we’re tasting whiskeys that are or have been historically piloted by women. No boys’ club spirits this year!

  • Top 10 Foods We’re Not Ashamed to Eat In Public as Fat People

    “I will lick that shit out of any allegedly “empty” sauce container of aioli regardless of its size in comparison to my tongue and how many people watch in horror or confusion when I refuse to let its gelatinous goodness remain clinging to the sides of its serving dish where it would otherwise remain unused, unwanted and unappreciated.”