• Five Reasons the Fight for $15 Matters for LGBT People

    Raising the minimum wage is a critical piece in a complex puzzle of alleviating economic struggle for queer and trans people.

  • Surviving or Thriving: How Economic (In)Justice Matters for LGBT People

    Sometimes, it can be hard to parse out exactly why queer and trans people have such a hard time getting by while the headlines would suggest we are advancing by leaps and bounds. On January 23rd and 24th, queer and trans people converged in New York City for the Invisible Lives, Targeted Bodies Conference to explore how the struggle for queer and trans justice and liberation is inextricably linked to struggles for economic, racial, immigrant, disability and reproductive justice.

  • Also. Also. Also: Canadian Trans Woman Wins Breast Implant Contest on the Radio

    76% of the 30k voters in AMP Radio’s “Breast Summer Ever” contest voted for Avery, a trans woman, Google makes you forget things, male politician demands you #actlikealady and MORE!

  • Queer Dance Crew “Vogue Evolution” Does Beyonce FTW

    Vogue Evolution, the all-gay dance crew with a transgender female lead, wowed the judges for another week at ABDC. Blogger calls out Bill Clinton for DOMA & DADT. Plus Megan Fox makeout, Lesbian Vampire Killers, Lady Gaga spits out men, images from the Great National Kiss-In, Craigslist monday and more! Did you know that ostriches are bad at mating because they always fall in love with humans? Just like lesbians & straight girls!