• S L I C K: Raincheck Part 1

    You are just picking up Naomi. Your very good friend, Naomi, whom you have only not-so-jokingly offered to take up on her not-so-joking offer to fuck for a decade. She literally just got emotionally gut punched by some fuckboy. Don’t be another fuckboy. Not today. Unless she initiates. Fuck, she always initiates. Fuck, I missed my exit.

  • S L I C K: Jesus Is; A Love Song Part 1

    Severed and shamed by their church as teenagers, Danielle and Joanna are reunited years later by the very same song that propelled them into their sexual awakening years ago.

  • S L I C K: The Cunt

    Powdered hemp cutting into soft, bruised flesh. Jax tries to hook a finger between rope and skin and finds there isn’t room. It excites them.

  • S L I C K: Wanna Cyber

    Mostly I had chalked my ambivalence up to stifling antidepressants and emotional avoidance. Was I gutted of desire or was this a case of under exposure? Or was I supposed to own my simpleton truth and scream from a cliff, “I just want to dim the lights and be pegged, goddamnit!”

  • S L I C K: Jesus Is; A Love Song Part 2

    Finally, Danielle and Joanna are reunited are years of radio silence. Will Joanna’s voice still move Danielle as strongly as she remembers?

  • Here’s Your Full Video Workshop Breaking Down Everything You Need to Know for Strap-On Sex

    The latest in Queer Sex 101, our series of real live queer people teaching you everything you need to know about real queer sex continues, with a one-hour workshop from sex educator, Autostraddle writer, SLICK editor and More, Please! editor Ro White on strap-on sex.