• The Life We Never Knew Would Find Us: Navigating Loss as an Interfaith Queer Couple

    “We’re in Lancaster County at Erin’s family’s house, surrounded by plastic Bible quiz trophies adorned with gold crosses and family portraits taken at national parks. My bewildered partner comes to me, face slack, and tells me I need to call my mother.”

  • Bad Religion

    “Here was a community where race apparently didn’t matter, because we were all humans, made in the image of God. Where a pacifist, sensitive, caring Jesus was the primary male role model. I finally felt at home. I was promised complete acceptance and understanding, and all I had to give was… well, everything.”

  • That One Time The Patriarchy Blessed Me

    “I loved the Church, and I loved the gospel. I was the kind of Mormon who politely dismissed myself from classrooms when teachers showed R-rated movies. At my first and only high school rager, I texted my mother to pick me up because I felt out of place amidst the drinking and smoking. That was me, Straight-Edge Dera, except apparently I wasn’t so straight.”

  • I Was Trained for the Culture Wars in Home School, Awaiting Someone Like Mike Pence as a Messiah

    To take back the country for Christ, we needed to outbreed, outvote and outactivate the other side, thus saith The Lord.

  • How Breaking Bread with Queer Christians Helped Me Rediscover Radical Love

    “I put “they/she” on a pronoun button for the first time and countless people — moms, older gay and lesbian folks, and my peers — asked me to share what that meant and what genderqueer identity is because they genuinely wanted to understand ideas that were foreign and difficult for them so they could love me better.”

  • If Joan Of Arc Can Do It, Why Can’t I?

    Ever since I went to a Halloween party at my friend’s church youth group in 6th grade, I’ve been almost inseparable from my Christian identity. But on November 4th, 2012, my heart was all the way down in my toes as I got ready to go to church for the first time as a transgender lesbian.