26 Special Ways You Described Yourself When Registering For A-Camp


Enabling this kind of cabin fun is no easy task

It’s that time again — the time of year when I gather a tiny handful of mystical elderberry juice, the innards of an antique clock, five bottles of discontinued nail polish, a quart of dirt from my “backyard,” a well-preserved two-ounce serving of Crystal Clear Pepsi and from this magical combination of ingredients, I produce your May A-Camp CABIN ASSIGNMENTS! (ETA: Within the next two weeks)

This year, as in last year, I gave you a chance to describe yourself when you registered so that I could try to put you in a cabin with other humans who are exactly as weird or as interested in anime or gin or libraries as you are. It’s an unrefined process, but I think over time I’ve established at least a 65% success rate, which is a lot more than I can say for my counselors at labor zionist youth camp.  Stay tuned for my follow-up list, “25 Special Ways A-Campers Used The Personal Description Box To Explain What It Means To Be An “Outgoing Introvert.”

Here are some sentences from your descriptions of yourselves, ripped mercilessly out of context and placed here, in this list, for our communal entertainment and delight.

1. I have been known by a few hundred girls as “Kiwi The Spunky Kitchen Lady” at Girl Scout Camp.

2. I am one of six hipsters at Hope College

3. I have a goddess quad of Beyoncé, Misty Copeland, Laverne Cox and Michelle Rodriguez that I devote to thrice daily in the hopes that the patriarchy will finally crumble and fall at their wrath

4. Still not entirely sure how to do the hustle? Can we fix this?

5. Once I was driving down a road on the wrong side and saw a car coming towards me and wondered why it wouldn’t move over.

6. I’m 27 but I exhibit a lot of behavior similar to a grandmother: I go to bed early, enjoy watching my programs, and yell at people who stand on my lawn.

7. I like to grow things and live by the moon.

8. I had the most amazing Coming Out party. I made my friends wear unicorn horns.

9. Current goals include getting into law school and moving out of my dad’s house.

10. I am a quirky, crafty, rainbow obsessed queer girl who embodies the spirit and fashion style of a 9 year old boi

11. Give me a can of spray paint and a glue gun and you’ll prob— have a mess on your hands. But I’ll be happy.

12. My personality is downright magnetic.

13. I love The Beatles, collecting Beatles things and the fact they sang love 613 times in their songs. I believe in love so much.

14. I fit every single lesbian stereotype possible except having an actual girlfriend.

15. I am also committed to Sparkle Motion, if that helps.

16. I’ve been known to get tipsy on red wine and write poems about my personal life.

17. I’m getting my phD in materials science engineering, and someday I’m going to rule the universe in rainbow spandex.

18. Alcohol is awesome!

19. I am unusually messy for someone who feels compelled to arrange the presets for her car radio in ascending order by megahertz.

20. I just bought a house and my butch cred is being upped by working on said house

21. Sometimes I feel like the only lesbian in Kentucky!!

22. I’ve got a cute face
Chubby waist
Thick legs in shape
Rump shaking both ways
Make you do a double take


24. I am a queer artist hard femme catastrophe waitress.

25. Can’t decide if I’m a misanthrope or just a misandrist. I’m probably a misandrist.

26. I wish I were a baller, but I’m glad I’m me.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 41-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3251 articles for us.


  1. 13 needs to introduce themself to me so we can be friends. Please?

    (If you need encouraging, when I finally have the lesbian rock band of my dreams we’re gonna do a badass gay cover of Please Please Me)

    • Rips in the space-time continuum is my #1 flying fear! I’m too impatient to take the train from Seattle, so I deal with air travel using the tried and true method of tiny bottles of airline booze. :)

    • THAT’S ME. Also, no there absolutely isn’t, but it was more a comment on the fact that the rest of my life is prioritized in descending order by likelihood to get super gross or spontaneously combust in my face space if I just ignore it for a few days (read: weeks).

  2. Omg, I know which one of these is my ex.
    Also, hey Hope College person! My super closeted internalized-homophobic cousin also went to Hope College! That’s so weeeeeird.

  3. Ugh, #22 made me feel like a gay man when GaGa plays at the club. I’m alone in my house but I threw up my hands, whooped and did a little chair dance to the song in my head. What can I say – music make me lose control.

  4. So if suddenly we’re all somehow dragged across the grounds by some unseen force, i will assume it is #12’s magnetic personality kicking in. ……..what. (Get ready to dodge trees. This is some Jedi shit.)

  5. OMG I’m on this list, I’m #14! This is the first time I have ever been mentioned on Autostraddle and I am currently freaking out in my pajamas! Hello to all my fellow A-campers!

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