Rachael Cantu Interview and ‘Far and Wide’ Album Review

rachael cantu far and wideEven if you haven’t listened to Rachael Cantu‘s music on repeat in your bed for ten days, as we have, it’s likely you’ve already heard her name, as we did. And after you listen to her newest album you’ll be (as we are) fully obsessed with her voice, her feelings, and her sweet-but-smoky vocal adventures.

This Southern Californian singer/songwriter has drawn comparisons to artists like Chrissie Hynde, Bjork and PJ Harvey, and has built a loyal widespread fan-base through captivating solo shows and North American tours with powerhouses like Tegan & Sara, Pat Benatar, B.B. King and even my bro Ben Lee.

This month Rachael has released Far and Wide, her second studio album created with Canadian producer Futcher and indie engines like Tegan Quin, Ted Gowans and Charla McCutcheon to name a few. The album’s already received some rave reviews, some of its tracks already receiving airtime on my favourite tv guilty pleasure, Private Practice.

Having recently completed the Rachael Cantu crash course, I’ve discovered that Rachael and I are destined to be soul-mates or at least Twitter friends because Green Day’s Dookie was the first CD we both purchased ourselves.

I had the chance to ask Sweet Sweet Rachael Cantu some hard-hitting questions about her new record and music-related spending habits over the jump.

But first! Intern Emily and I are going to share our feelings about this new record.
Far And Wide – Rachael Cantu
Released: 17 November, 2009

crystal-iconCrystal: The number of solo singer/songwriters that I listen to can be counted on one hand, a fact that made me initially believe I might not be the best team member to review this album. However Rachael’s reputation precedes her, and this was enough for me to put on the record and give Far and Wide a go. I tell you, it would have been a shame if I hadn’t.

“Far and Wide is an acoustic indie rock/pop/ sometimes folk record by a girl with a guitar, grace and feelings that we can all get down with.”

Far and Wide is an acoustic indie rock/pop/sometimes folk record by a girl with a guitar, grace and feelings that we can all get down with. Rachael’s powerful, sweet-but-smokey vocal style is complemented nicely by hooky melodies and arrangements, familiar enough to consume effortlessly and refreshing enough to stick in my head and demand repeat performances. I’m not going to break this album down too much, but if you’ve heard it then you might agree that the atmospheric, somewhat eerie “Devil’s Thunder” is a killer way to kick it off. It sets the stage for what you may assume would be a moody, darker album, and yet instead what follows are 9 optimistic, upbeat toe-tappin’ tracks, notably “Thieves and Their Hands” and “Hips are Bad” which are downright contagious.

Overall the record is well-produced and the tracks are well-composed, although at times I feel there a moments of restraint, that parts will build but never peak. Still, if you’re a fan of this genre then you won’t be disappointed. I like to rate records by the number of tracks in which I can remember the line or hook that comes next, and Far and Wide gave me 7 out of 10. It’s an enjoyable, respectable album, go on and give it a go.

Far and Wide is available internationally through iTunes now. Or if you’re the more sentimental type, order the physical album via Rachael’s myspace knowing that as an independent artist she has likely packaged and shipped it to you herself with the greatest amount of tender loving care.


emily-choo-iconEmily: I don’t know why I keep getting picked to write for Audiostraddle because I don’t know how to write about music, I only know how to write about the way it makes me feel. [Editors note: that’s why!] My feelings are that this record feels familiar, it feels homely, like we’re all sitting around a campfire being friends.

Far and Wide is chock full of catchy melodies and strange lyrics. Rachael references Quebec which is the province I live in and sort of surprising to me. “Devil’s Thunder“, the opening track, begins with a strong, near- a capella vocal “Oh Lord, have mercy on me” supported only by faint church organ sounds, which immediately made me think of Jesus and how much I didn’t think I could handle a whole record of Christian indie rock. Thankfully that didn’t end up being an issue, and now “Devil’s Thunder” is my favorite track on the album. The rest of the tracks are not as polished, but sometimes it’s nice to not listen to super polished music. Again, it’s like sitting around a campfire. It’s cosy.

“My feelings are that this record feels familiar, it feels homey, like we’re all sitting around a campfire being friends.”

This is a great record to listen to in the morning because it’s so optimistic. It makes me feel like I can face the day! “Far and Wide” [the title track] and “Make a Name for Me and You” are two really catchy tunes that make me a bit sentimental. On “Far and Wide“, the way Rachael sings “we’re all packed my dear, just waiting for the train to appear” makes me feel like the whole world is open and waiting for us. The lyrics are simple and easy to relate to. We both need a little bit of peace, I could use a little bit of sleep. Srsly.

One of the great things about Far and Wide is its optimism. On “We’re the Rebels” Rachael asks, “if you don’t know then you don’t dare, who will ever know that we’ve been here?”. I ask myself this everyday when I think no-one will ever read anything I write, and this record is almost a challenge to see how much I/we can accomplish. Dream big. Go far and wide to make a name for me and you.

Highlights include:Make a Name for Me and You” and “Thieves and Their Hands“.

Click over the jump for the Rachael Cantu interview!

Rachel Cantu: The Interview

Crystal: How are you?
Rachael: Great, thanks for asking!


Crystal: Congratulations on ‘Far and Wide’. For those unfamiliar with the record, how would you describe it?
Rachael: This record is pretty raw and from the heart. It was recorded in roughly one week in Vancouver with the help of some extremely talented musicians. It has many different elements, from pop to folk to blues, from dark to light, etc. There is lots of soul in this record. A lot MY soul.

Crystal: How has this record evolved from your debut, Run All Night?
Rachael: I’ve had three years since the last record so I’ve definitely grown a lot. I’m proud of my first record, but “Far and Wide” is definitely a lot more “me”, more natural.

Crystal: Intern Emily thinks this record sounds optimistic…
If you know me personally, you know I’m a very positive, optimistic person. Glad that you can hear that on the record. My songs aren’t always so happy and care free. There is a lot of heart and heartache that does go into the songs, but all in all, the end result optimism. You have to be optimistic in this business, or else I would have given up years ago.

Crystal: Some ace musicians join you on ‘Far and Wide’. Was that planned, or were they just happen to be around when you were ready to record?
Rachael: There was some forethought to this record, but mostly they just happened to be around when I was recording. Tegan Quin had a huge hand in all of this. She recommended that I use Futcher (producer/engineer) in Vancouver. That’s where it all started. It was all pretty grass roots from there on out. Futcher knew some great players, so they became the core group. I was staying with Tegan at the time of the recording, and Charla lived close by, so I just asked if they would come in and add some harmonies and stuff like that. Ted happened to be moving to Vancouver right at the end of the recording so we asked if he would add some stuff and he became a huge part of the record. Vivek Shraya was part of “Devil’s Thunder” since the first demo recording and the song just doesn’t work as well without him, so luckily he recorded his parts in Toronto for me and sent them over.

Crystal: For those of use who haven’t seen you play live, can you describe a typical live set?
Rachael: Usually in Los Angeles I play with Alex Silverman. He plays some guitar and cello on the record. He’s a jack of all trades, plays multiple instruments and is an all around great guy and extremely talented musician. On tour I’ve been playing solo, but electric. It’s worked thus far, but soon enough I will start touring with other musicians backing me. Unfortunately, as an independent artists, it’s pretty expensive to bring a band out on the road. If I wanted to bring a musician out on the road, I would pretty much need to be an employer. At this age, we’ve all got bills to pay.


Crystal: So tell us how you got your start in music.
Rachael: I started playing guitar when I was about 16. I locked myself in my room and taught myself a bunch of chords. I started off playing other peoples songs, then ventured into writing my own songs. A friend of mine had started a band and needed a guitar player. Turns out they also needed a lead singer, but they just didn’t know it. So, soon enough I became the singer and songwriter for the band “QUITE SATELLITE”. We played all extensively throughout Southern California and had a really great time for about 2 years.

Crystal: You’ve released ‘Far and Wide’ independently – what are the biggest challenges, and advantages, of being an independent artist?
Rachael: EVERYTHING is on your shoulders when you release an album independently. I hate to talk about money so much, but everything costs and it’s just part of the deal. Everything is overhead. There is no label giving you money to tour, so you must raise it, work for it, ask for it, anyway that you can. But, then again, you make the decisions. You’re in charge of your music, your career, your songs, your marketing, etc. That’s a big benefit. Creative control is the best thing you can have as an artist, and as an independent artists, that’s a given.

Crystal: Rachael-Cantu-4Do you have your sights set on signing with a label, or are you happy doing this on your own?
Rachael: I now understand why people have labels…because IT’S SOOOO MUCH WORK! I wake up early every morning because I have so much on my mind, I sit at the computer, email, make runs to the post office, office supply store, etc etc etc. It doesn’t leave much time for music anymore. So, I’m branching out, adding people to my team to lessen the load, etc. If the right label, with the right intentions came along, I would definitely listen to what they had to say.

Crystal: What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in your career so far?
Rachael: School yourself on the business aspect of it. Read books, listen to advice, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more your music gets noticed, the more people will want to take advantage of you. Know your rights, what you’re owed, what you owe, etc. It’s VERY important.

Crystal: Changing track – who are your biggest influences, musically?
Rachael: Honestly, my friends bands are my biggest influences. I listen to their music and am always inspired to do more, to keep writing, and to keep learning. And yes, there are so many great bands and musicians out there, whether they are “classics” or the new “it” band, but when it comes down to it, the people I look up to most are the ones closest to me. I am lucky to be surrounded by some great musicians and I thrive on that.

Crystal: If you could pick one, what has the highlight of your career been?
Rachael: Being called on stage by B.B. King, hugged by the man himself and thanked for playing. That was a pretty unbelievable moment.

“The more your music gets noticed, the more people will want to take advantage of you.”

Crystal: You’ve spent a lot of time on the road – what is there to love and loathe about being on tour?
Rachael: I oddly love touring. I’ve toured around most of the US and it never gets old to me. The drives are so beautiful. When you live in a city, you forget that most of the country is, well…countryside. I love being in a different city every night, meeting the people that live there and getting to play music for them. It’s not a bad job to have. The food on the road can be a little rough. It’s never the healthiest of options, but I make due.

Crystal: You’ve toured with some super impressive artists. If you could choose any artist, who would you tour with next?
Rachael: There are so many people I’d love to tour with. Someone along the lines of Lucinda Williams, Antony and the Johnsons, Bon Iver, Patty Griffin, Ra Ra Riot and many more. I’d love to play with Pat Benatar again. Talk about an energetic live show! I sang every song with my fist in the air, along with the entire crowd. Plus, she has the nicest group of people on her crew.

Crystal: So two tracks off this album, ‘Devil’s Thunder’ and ‘Make A Name For Me and You’ have been played on Private Practice earlier this year. Do you remember what was happening on screen when it played?
Rachael: Yes, it was very dramatic. “Devil’s Thunder” was used first and very prominently at the very end of the episode it was placed in. I remember getting scared that they ended up not using it (since it was in the last 5 minutes of the show), but then all of a sudden, there it was. The dialogue dropped out, the song got louder and louder until it was just my song playing in a very dramatic, meaningful scene. It was quite an honor to hear it used that way.

Crystal: A quick quiz –  what was the first record you ever bought?
Rachael: First cassette I ever owed was “Cyndi Lauper – She’s So Unusual”, and the first CD I owned was “Nirvana – Nevermind”, and the first CD I bought myself was “Green Day – Dookie”.

Crystal: The first concert you ever saw?
Rachael: AVAIL at the Showcase Theater (RIP)

Crystal: The last record you bought?
Rachael: The Swell Season – Strict Joy

Crystal: The last concert you saw?
Rachael: I saw Lykke Li at the Wiltern in LA. It was phenomenal. She is quite the entertainer.

Crystal: What is your favourite song to play off this album?
Rachael: There are so many, but I think my favorite is “Little Ocean Town” because it’s about home.

Crystal: Tell us what is next for you?
Rachael: Touring everywhere I can, collaborating with other musicians, etc etc, etc. Hopefully you hear my music everywhere you go! That’s my goal. I don’t want to stop. I want to do anything and everything there is to do with music. I have so much more to learn and I hope to keep growing, learning and using those skills in productive ways.

Crystal: I live in Australia and would like to see you live –  do you think you’ll play here one day?
Rachael: I would LOVE to play Australia. That’s definitely a goal of mine. I have many friends there, and I hear nothing but wonderful things…so, yes, I will play there one day! Keep spreading the word!

You can get your hands on Far and Wide here at Amazon.com

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Founding member. Former writer. Still loves Autostraddle with her whole heart.

Crystal has written 320 articles for us.


  1. 100% agreed. rachael is amazing, and “make a name for me and you” has so much meaning for me that i can’t even begin to write about it.

  2. I love Far and Wide, especially the part about leaving the car on the side of the road and never going back for it. For some reason, that line just makes me smile. Probably because I am uber responsible and would never do it.

  3. Very nice article/interview. I half listened to far and wide and didn;t like it much. I LOVED Run All Night,a lot. She has said that this album is a departure from that so I think I may have predetermined that I wouldn’t like it. But I will give it another try.

  4. “which immediately made me think of Jesus and how much I didn’t think I could handle a whole record of Christian indie rock.” LOL.

    This is great.

    • 7 or 8? That is pretty impressive! I don’t think I knew what CDs were then. I was listening to Old MacDonald or something.

      Also, Rachael is very pretty! And I bet her songs are too! I am excited to listen to them after this review!

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