• Butch Please: A Letter to Baby Butches

    I have every faith in you, baby butch. I know you will be careful with this word and its legacy. It looks like a badge but it feels like a battleaxe, and I need you to know that it’s five times as difficult to earn and ten million times more dangerous.

  • Butch Please: Butch and Boundaries

    Why is it that time and time again, people act like they can’t make me uncomfortable? That as a butch — as well as a queer person, a top, someone who likes to flirt and be sexual just like most human beings — it’s impossible to sexually harass me?

  • Butch Please: Anxious Little Butch

    Anxiety on a butch is no different than anxiety on anyone else, but somehow I feel an immense shame as a result of the two’s interactions.

  • Butch Please: Butch Buys A Drink

    “If I wear my heart on my sleeve – and I do these days, much to the shock and dismay of a butch gone prematurely tender – then the sleeve itself is my masculinity.”

  • I’m Neither Butch Nor A Top

    “I’m rather tired of people reacting with shock when they find out I dress the way I do and identify as a bottom.”