• Obama to DADT Activists: I’m On Task, Don’t Yell!

    GetEqual interrupts Obama’s speech, again. Closing arguments for the Prop 8 trial will be heard on June 16, but will there be cameras? Also, a behind-the-scenes look at trans rights advocacy in Washington, Clayton McKleskey of The Dallas Morning News wants to know if we can stop talking about gay stuff yet, and more on college courses on gay marriage (or, as we like to call it, ‘marriage’).

  • ‘Prop 8 Campaigners Are Sacrificing Children to Their Own Homophobia.’

    Rob Tisiani explains it all for you and how Yes on 8 prefers to spread false homophobic messages rather than actually combat the real issues surrounding child sexual abuse — it’s a must-see. Also WSJ takes Obama to task on DADT and looks ahead towards our first hearing on the issue since it was enacted in 1993, and Jon Stewart does Keith Olberman.