• Judge Rules: Miss. School Violated Lesbian’s Rights, But Won’t Force Prom

    A ruling is made in the case of Constance McMillen and the heteronormative prom and Newsweek interviews Dan Choi about his new radical stance on political action. Prop 8 opponents have to give show the other side internal emails and memos, which could push back the verdict on the Prop 8 trial. Also: two Malawi men arrested for getting engaged go on trial soon, and Lambda Legal is challenging for same-sex marriage in NJ.

  • Supreme Court Justice Stevens Retiring; What Happens to the Gays?

    Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement Friday, and we have more info than you can handle, probs. Plus, the Southern Voice is coming back, Constance McMillen gets another shot at prom, and there will be a trial on DOMA.