• Muffing 101

    For trans women who experience genital dysphoria, being penetrated in the front can be really meaningful.

  • How to Have Lesbian Sex With a Trans Woman

    Sex between someone with a penis and someone with a vagina gets a lot of representation, but not when the penis-haver is a woman. Here’s everything you need to know about lesbian sex with trans women who have penises.

  • How I Started To Learn Trans Sex Ed (And How You Can, Too)

    It took be months to bring myself to ask the question I’d wanted to ask since coming out: How am I supposed to have sex if I hate my genitals?

  • The Day My Students Found My HER Profile

    “I was terrified that I was going to receive a bunch of angry phone calls from parents or a visit from the overly religious principal as a result of word getting out that I didn’t fit the heteronormative cookie cutter mold that all of the other teachers at the school did.”

  • Holigay Gift Guide: Sex Toys for Trans Women

    Obviously, a lot of toys you’d buy for a cis woman are great, but also, let’s be real, trans women have some special needs and desires.

  • You Need Help: Harnesses For Trans* Women

    As a trans* chick with not much going on “downstairs” I’m intrigued with using strapons instead of my actual bits, just not sure how best approach it. Can anyone recommend harnesses with a little extra room in the crotch that won’t break the bank?

  • I Said Yes To The (Gay Wedding) Dress

    “Despite all the planning, and all the talking, and all the money we had spent, it was THAT moment that suddenly made the wedding feel very real. This was the dress I was going to get married in, that I would be wearing when I affirmed my desire to spend the rest of my life with my amazing partner. But, it also touched something deeper, more complex, more fundamental to my transition and my womanhood.”

  • Formspring Friday Didn’t Know You Could Jump So High

    This week you’re helping out with a variety of mom-related issues, girlfriend feelings, touchy feely straight girls, coming out as trans* and a possible stone butch, among other things. Maybe our best FS Friday ever.