by Carrie and Mey
Back in June, Mey was planning herΒ trip to LA for the summer andΒ tweeted about how she was crying just thinking about how much she loves the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. And CarrieΒ read that tweet and was immediately transported back to the wonders of childhood, when sheΒ spent countless afternoons roaming among said dinosaurs in between visits to the Rainforest Room. So we (Mey and Carrie) made a plan to go to the museum and relive memories and cry.
Turns out, that place is also pretty gay. Or maybe it’s just that we’re pretty gay now? Either way, though, we had an amazing (or maybe “amGAYzing??? – Mey) dayΒ and made a number of delightfully queer discoveries, which we’ve cataloged and brought back to the lab for analysis. (Carrie wrote this last sentence, you can tell because she’s a bigger nerd than me – Mey)
14. We can’t decide if this looks likeΒ a heart or a broken heart (guess which one of us is on each side of this argument), which is a pretty apt metaphor for being a queer woman.
13. They ripped this headline straight from a sign at a Planned Parenthood protest. Or a Lifetime movie.
12. Museum display? Or lesbian bed and breakfast?
11. Too easy, we know, sorry, we had to.
10. Vegetarianism: calling card of our people since the Cretaceous Period.
9. We had a long debate about whether vegetarianism or communal living was gayer. Ultimately the separatist commune won out. ScientistsΒ will discover this same evidence when excavating A-Camp locations thousands of years from now.
8. You know, just like the one you have with your roommate/best gal pal!
7. Professor Percy Pelican, the museum’s resident animatronic bird specialist, inspired many a young gay’s modern-day gender expression and generalΒ affect. Educational in so many ways – including ones the curators never intended. Thanks, Prof!
6. Dealing with men has driven many of us to “rarely leave our seaside home,” y’know?
5. “Where did we go? What did we do? I think we made something entirely new.” “And it wasn’t quite me, and it wasn’t quite you, I think it was someone entirely new.”
4. Matriarchy now, matriarchy forever.
3. Alternative lifestyle haircuts were all the rage among pterosaurs. Looking sharp, indeed.
2. I mean
1. But at the end of the day the gayest thing on display was, of course, us.
I love natural history museums! Glad you had fun.
Tremendous; delightful. A+ in gayleontology for both of you.
Now, you’re making me wanna go to a museum (I haven’t been to one since Tim Burton had his stuff on display here in L.A)! ^^;
Had to share on my FB! Anyway, I’m glad you had a great day! XX
Did he also have his stuff on display there? Cause I went to the one he had at LACMA, but if I known he had it there too I would have love to gone again.
Bahaha, #2.
Ok this is adorable you’re adorable
this is just delightful <3
Weeeeell that was adorable.
I lost it at alternative lifestyle pterosaur (pterodactyl? What’s the difference?)
I want to start a queer band with mostly songs for children called Alternate Lifestyle Pterosaur (our most rabid fans will call us A.L.P.)
They would tour with a queer band called the Gaymbrian Explosion.
I need this to win a comment award. Possibly, all of the comment awards.
And they would live on the supercontinent of Pangaya.
What about you?
What about me?
Well, you’re here too.
We’re here together.
Every time I read this, I get it stuck in my head, and it makes me so very happy.
it’s like this article was written with me specifically in mind because i am the biggest museum ho and The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles is one of my favorites. If you’re still hanging around LA, I highly recommend the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), especially the rain room. Take a selfie with the spaghetti tubes and urban lights display for me!
I’d love to awkwardly ruin a sexy moment by uttering “feel this fish” ..
This is so precious
ahhhh the ruby and the sapphire next to each other, though!! Steven Universe <3
This is too precious. I died at #4