Take Autostraddle’s 2020 Reader Survey: We Want to Know All About YOU!

We know it’s been a minute since we’ve had a general reader survey — and by a minute, we mean… a few years. There was a mini reader survey back in 2017, and while we’ve asked about sex, travel, politics and other specific topics since then, it’s been a minute since we’ve had a very big survey.

So, whether you pop in here every other month for even just one article or whether you read and comment regularly — or somewhere in between — we hope you’ll take part in this survey that’s all about you.

By telling us about what you like, your identity, your views and your life, we’re able to make a space that better serves you and others who spend time in this queer space on the internet called Autostraddle dot com. Besides understanding you better, the data we collect will also help us with creating content, planning for fundraising and A+ membership drives.

We also want you to know that the survey is completely anonymous and we’re not tracking your IP address. Also good news: when you finish the survey, you’ll get a code for 20% off the Autostraddle store, good through July 15, 2020.

So let’s take the 2020 Autostraddle Reader Survey now!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

Join AF+!

The Editors

The has written 146 articles for us.


  1. The only thing I want to ”tell” you at this point is why you KEEP ignoring your disabled readers, and our REPEATED REQUESTS FOR ACTION.

        • I want to know where to find the calls disabled readers have made to Autostraddle and their contents because I believe those calls are relevant to all readers. Additionally, there may be disabled readers who don’t know what you’re referring to who you could be in solidarity with, e.g. Abbey below. As a reader-supported website readers must care about Autostraddle being an inclusive, accessible, and welcoming site and hold Autostraddle accountable for improving if it is not.

          • Hi! I also replied with this above, but you’re also welcome to email me at nicole[at]autostraddle[dot]com, if you like (but obviously you don’t have to) about any accessibility concerns you have! Thank you, in advance, for your time should you do this! (And also thank you for being an A+ member!)

            I’m also interested in ways we could possibly facilitate an accessibility-related discussion among readers, so thank you for bringing up that point!

    • Hey! As a fellow disabled reader I’d love to know more about what things require action? See if we’ve got some common ground :)

    • I’m so sorry to be late to see this and respond. You’re super welcome to email me at nicole[at]autostraddle[dot]com with your accessibility concerns, and I’ll bring them up for discussion with the team. Thank you so much, if you choose to do this, in advance for your time!

      • And I should note (and action) with the team. We’re definitely working on addressing accessibility issues and welcome your feedback!

  2. Two QQs:

    -When does the survey close? (July 15?)

    -How long is the survey? (# of questions or time estimated to complete?)

    Thanks! Looking forward to taking it! 😉

    • Um I think # of questions depends on how you answer (like, if you answer “no” to certain questions, you skip ahead a bit) but it took me +/- 30 minutes? But I had Lots of Thoughts and if you don’t do as many of the open-ended questions, I imagine it could be shorter.

  3. I noticed there were questions about whether you thought you’d had COVID-19, but none about whether you’d been tested, maybe an oversight?

    • The questions in that section can be worded kind of strangely because they’re taken from other surveys. There is one question that asks if you were pretty sure you had it without official diagnosis, whether you had it and were diagnosed by a healthcare provider (which would include a test, likely but not necessarily I guess), or whether you had taken an antibodies test that was positive. It’s kind of obscured, but that question, which is from Pew, does ask in a roundabout way. Unfortunately, so we can compare results to the general population, we have to use the same wording for things like that. I hope that is helpful!

    • Seconding everything Nicole said, and just throwing in my two cents to add that asking about testing would indicate who has been able to access it, which is a different from knowing how many people have had COVID. For instance, many people had COVID but were never able to get a test and were simply diagnosed by their healthcare providers based on symptoms. Some people got negative test results but were likely false negatives and were diagnosed with having it by their health care providers, again based on symptoms. Antibody testing addresses some of that, but not all. All this to say, if the goal is to understand what proportion of our readers have had COVID and comparing that to the national data on case rates, knowing whether or not someone got tested is answering a different question.

  4. Helloooooo I completed the survey and got a discount code for the merch store (yay!) But it doesn’t seem to work. Can anyone help? Thanks

    • A bit over a year ago I filled out the survey, still thinking I was a straight cis dude who just found Autostraddle a good resource for being a better ally.

      Wow was I wrong.

  5. Hi I wanted to fill out the survey but July has been a lot and I just came back to it. Just saying in case you have lower response rate :)

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