Which ’90s Lesbian Love Song Is Your Karaoke Anthem?

Lesbians with guitars were having a MOMENT in the ’90s. But which tune should serve as your karaoke anthem? Take this quiz and find out!

Which 90s Lesbian Love Song Is Your Karaoke Anthem?

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Your high school crush was:(Required)
You’re at a music festival. Where do your friends find you?(Required)
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You’re taking a sick day. What are you actually doing?(Required)

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Ro White

Ro White is a Chicago-based writer and sex educator. Follow Ro on Twitter.

Ro has written 105 articles for us.


  1. The ACCURACY of this quiz. As someone who was out and in her 20s (and in her feelings) during the 90s, I feel extremely called out. 🤣

    • Same! A lot of the millennial pop culture references go over my head but this, this I know about – GenX queer guitar music of my misspent youth.

    • Come on! “Give Me One Reason” by Tracy Chapman?? You guys get it right every time.

      These quizzes are magic!

  2. The Indigo Girls “Power of Two.” I’m not mad.

    FUN FACT: The first time I heard The Indigo Girls is when they played the house band at the bar in the extremely gay movie “Boys on the Side.” I was 15 and loved that movie so much and yet somehow I did not realize I was queer for another 3ish years.

  3. I got Tracy Chapman’s “Give Me One Reason” and I very happy with that. I probably could karaoke my way through ALL Of the songs on this list though.

  4. I got Power of Two (Indigo Girls) and realized the instrumental section sounded weirdly familiar… after some minutes of staring at the ceiling I have come to the conclusion that it is the same as the melody in the SNL neurotology song

  5. I miss the 90s. I just want to wear flannel and talk witchy things at some random cafe with strangers. Give Me One Reason.

  6. This quiz is all of my dreams come true AND I wish I knew all the answers so we could make a playlist

  7. How did you know that my actual crush was “The surly goth girl with a heart of gold?”

    Most accurate quiz yet! Melissa Etheridge’s I’m the Only One, for sure. “You’re filled with fire, confidence and passion, and you probably have a bit of a temper. Not everyone can navigate the perilous waters of your ever-changing mood, so you need a lover who’s steady, patient and committed. Belt these lyrics when you’re feeling unappreciated: ‘But I’m the only one who’ll walk across the fire for you/ And I’m the only one who’ll drown in my desire for you/ It’s only fear that makes you run/ The demons that you’re hiding from/ When all your promises are gone/ I’m the only one.'”

  8. Ok witchery is afoot.

    “Hush Sweet Lover” k.d.lang

    Hopeless romantic. Check

    Longing, moping and occasionally sappy. Check

    Not everyone can handle your Big Feelings. CHECK (screams in soft-butch-emo).

    The only problem is, I can’t hold a note in a bushel basket. How could I possibly emulate k.d. ‘s dulcet tones ?

  9. I was hoping to find Skunk Anansie’s Skin here. „Weak“ would definitely be my 90s karaoke song. I have recently revisited their songs and found they have aged well. But maybe this was more of a European thing?

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