• New York 2019-06-21: QUEER TIGER BEAT

    Nikki Palumbo and Gwynna Forgham-Thrift are two queer adults hosting a teen magazine-turned-comedy show!

    This month’s very special PRIDE ISSUE features the very funny and hunky

    Wanjiko Eke (Limestone Comedy Festival)
    Alex Song (Tonight Show)
    Lorena Russi (Late Show)
    Jessica Henderson (UCB)
    Mila Myles (them.)
    Taylor Ortega (HBO, TruTV)


    Nikki Palumbo & Gwynna Forgham-Thrift are NYC-based comedians who have written and performed for UCB (Maude Night & The Queerball Sketch Show!), Reductress, Above Average, and Dyke Power(point).

  • San Francisco 2019-06-21: Pride Month Hangout and Show

    Hi! Join us for a fun hang out to celebrate Pride month before the big festivities begin the week after. We will be out on the back patio at El Rio for a few hours before we go see the pride show put on by Infinite Wrench. This show will feature plays written and performed by queer and trans members of the troupe, and is guaranteed to be a fun time. Join us at the bar, at the show, or at both! Be forewarned about infinite wrench, it will sell out for sure, so if interested, make sure to get your ticket ASAP!

    Infinite Wrench Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/infinite-pride-tickets-62385656177

  • Columbus, Ohio 12/16: Holiday Party and Meet Up

    It’s that time again for our annual Holiday Meet Up Party! Let’s celebrate all that gives us comfort and joy with drinks, snacks, board games, and if the weather holds a bonfire and some snow-smores!

  • Brooklyn, NY 6/3: Queer Film Theory 101-JUNE!

    Queer Film Theory 101 is a monthly comedy show, hosted by Sarah Kennedy and Veronica Garza, featuring LGBTQ performers “outing” the films that influenced their identity. It’s free and fabulous!

  • New York, NY 6/28: World Pride Shabbat

    Start Pride Weekend off right with the most fabulous Shabbat dinner of the year! Join our Jewish LGBTQ+ friends and family from around the globe as we come together to celebrate World Pride, and commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising.

  • Los Angeles, CA 6/8: Dyke Day LA

    Join us for the 2019 Dyke Day FREE Pride Picnic in the park! Dyke Day’s mission is to unify our diverse dyke, trans, non-binary, queer community and its allies through community gatherings that celebrate diversity, visibility, inclusivity, and intergenerational participation.

  • Washington, DC 6/7: DC Dyke March

    Did you know that the first Dyke March ever was in Washington, DC? We’re going to bring it back this year!

  • Austin, TX 6/7: black girl love: an adaptation project

    all black. all gay. all in love. An adaptation of Anondra “Kat” Williams’ book of short stories and poetry, black girl love looks at the everyday lives of black queer women and non-binary people. It’s a play about our relationships to love, sex, and obsession.

  • The Most Wonderful Time Of Year: Holigay Meet-Up Season!

    It’s the most wonderful time of year so let’s spend it with our chosen family!

  • Brooklyn 2019-05-14: The Lesbian Agenda, A Variety Show

    Did you hear that lesbians are taking over the world? Well, when they’re not getting killed off on TV shows or busy playing with their hairless felines!

    Sophie Santos brings you her Agenda™ with this banging variety show featuring the best lez, bi and queer comedians* of all time. Buckle up those Birkenstocks ladies… she’s got big plans.

    *lineup may include straights if they are very, very funny and/or were raised by two moms.

    This month’s lineup includes Ali Kolbert (The Tonight Show), Carolyn Bergier (Dyking Out), Free the Mind, and Rachel Joravsky (Reductress)!

  • San Francisco, CA 12/17: Hella Gay Holiqueer Meet Up

    Come get your holigay cheer on with other Straddlers at El Rio! Come when you want, leave when you want.

  • Cambridge, MA 12/9: Holigay Meet-Up: Day Drinking and Games!

    Wear flannel, drink beers, be friends, show us pictures of your pets.

  • New York, NY 2019-05-04: The Way That We Live: An L Word LARPing Party

    Q: What is the L Word** and why are we LARPing about it?
    A: If you’ve never seen the iconic, important, drama-infused, and at times problematic** television show about West Hollywood lesbians living, laughing, learning, loving, etc., it’s not too late – and it’s on Netflix! Autostraddle has a helpful guide on how to ease in (https://tinyurl.com/y424w74s). If you’re familiar with the program, you may also know that the series will be relaunched sometime in the near-ish future. We LARP to celebrate and lampoon this vanguard of lesbian representation before it is unleashed upon the world again!

    Q: When? Where? How much?
    A: Saturday, May 4 | The Starliner – 1446 Myrtle Ave.
    5 bux in advance / 10 bux day-of and at the door.
    Get yr tickets here: https://tinyurl.com/yys3wzyu
    All proceeds go to the Queer Detainee Empowerment Project ♥

    Q: What’s gonna happen?
    8:30 PM – DJ Disco Bruja + L Word Trivia w/ Lily Marotta and Minnie Bennett
    10 PM – Dance party w/ host/comedian/L Word commentator Jess Henderson
    + DJs flipphone, elosi + more
    All night: queers, dancing, cruising, larping.

    Q: What is LARPING?
    A: Technically it means live action role play. In this case, it means come as your favorite L word character, element, or lesbian abstraction (Bette, Alice, a leather cuff, a couple’s therapist, whatever!)

    Q: What should you wear?
    A: LARP MEANS LARP, Y’ALL! Costumes required! Come as your favorite core cast member, that throwback deep cut cameo from season 2, or that side character you wished made it into regular rotation. Early aughts lesbians in southern California? The possibilities are endless!:

    Q: Who is invited?
    A: If you love/feel some kinda way about The L Word, you’re invited! (queers, allies, everybody! but please understand and be respectful that this is a queer party, so come correct.)

    Q: How can you stay informed/see gay memes until the event on May 4?
    A: RSVP on this here Facebook event.
    Buy your tickets here: https://lwordlarp.brownpapertickets.com/
    Follow us on the gram: https://www.instagram.com/THE_WAY_THAT_WE_LIVE/

    Please spread the word to your friends, lovers, and frenemies!!
    See you on May 4 ♥

    The Board of the CAC

    **When the L Word began airing in 2004, it was, for some queer women, the first time we saw ourselves writ large. Or, at least, it was one of the first times we saw our friendships, romances, traumas, and heartbreaks on television, with storylines that did not end exclusively in tragedy or a nunnery. It was big and important and over the top and a huge part of some folks’ early queer lives.

    The L Word was also highly problematic, heavily focused on a white cis woman experience within an elite socioeconomic class, often complicit in blatant racist and transphobic messaging, and suffered for its exclusion of the queer experience of people outside of a wealthy West Hollywood lesbian community. This event seeks to celebrate the parts of the L word we wish to keep – the LOLs, the drama, the characters and moments that made us feel connected and seen. And to critique and leave behind the parts that made queer folx feel anything less than loved and lifted up. Lez do this ♥

  • Indianapolis 2019-05-18: Indystraddle Goes Hiking!

    As a part of Earth Month and spring, let’s go hiking!

    We’ll meet at the Visitors Center and then hopefully do a couple of the short trials or one of the longer 3 mile ones depending on people’s interests and the weather.

    Bring a lunch, a water bottle, and comfortable hiking shoes!

  • Manhattan 2019-05-08: Fyre and Rain

    Fyre and Rain is a three-act play about the sh*tshow that was Fyre Festival. Written by stand up comedian, Veronica Garza, Fyre and Rain takes you back to 2017, and presents a fictitious account of the hype around what was dubbed ‘the new Coachella’. Starring Sarah Kennedy, Sarah Hartshorne, Bobby Hankinson and Calvin Cato.

    And who knows-Ja Rule MIGHT be there (but seriously, he won’t be there)!

  • San Francisco 2019-05-28: Mystery Science Theater Gay Thousand (D.E.B.S.)

    Introducing, the first ever Mystery Science Theater Gay Thousand!!!

    Comedians Dominique Gelin (https://dominiquegelin.com/), Irene Tu (http://irenetu.com/), & Nori Reed (https://www.norireed.com/) of the East Bay’s Man Haters Comedy Show will be doing some live commentary to lesbian classic D.E.B.S.

    D.E.B.S. is both one of the greatest lesbian movies and greatest superhero movies of all time. It’s campy as all heck and super low-budget (Angela Robinson made it for $300,000) but it’s a masterpiece. It also stars Holland Taylor name-checking Jodie Foster. -Heather Hogan (Autostraddle.com)

    What more could you ever want?

    Seriously folks, please come out (pun intended) and support queer comics & queer content & maybe we can do this again!

  • Brooklyn, NY 2019-05-15: Saturn Returned: a happy hour gathering for queer women age 30+

    Saturn Returned is a new happy hour gathering for queer women age 30 and up. Meet people, make friends, chat with a cutie, be home by 10pm.

    New York offers a variety of queer events, but it can be hard to find a party that starts before 10pm — most of us have work in the morning and need our beauty rest. When you do get out to the party, you typically encounter a gaggle of fresh-faced adorable gays who don’t remember when MTV played music videos. Bless them, but it can be alienating for us more seasoned folks.

    This party is for any queer-identified women (and queer-ID’d folks who date us) over the age of 30! That includes lesbian, bi, pan, queer, trans, non-binary, gender expansive, butch, femme, etc and anywhere in between.

    Need to expand your queer family? New to NY or just experienced a friend-exodus from the city? Recently got out of a long relationship and ready to reconnect? Looking for an age-appropriate cutie for the summer (or the night)? Come on down. Saturn Returned welcomes you.

  • Los Angeles 2019-04-17: Book Club: Cocktails and Conversation with Cherríe Moraga

    Join Ms. for Cocktails and Conversation with Cherríe Moraga!

    At the inaugural event for our new book club community series, author and activist Cherrie Moraga will join Ms. digital editor Carmen Rios in Los Angeles for a conversation about her memoir Native Country of the Heart.

    $10 for Ms. Members | $20 for Non-Members

    Non-member tickets include admission to the reception and conversation with Cherríe and a one-year membership to Ms.—including print and digital access to the magazine and discounted access to future Ms. events.

    We recommend reading the book in advance. Click here to purchase: https://amzn.to/2FBdJrZ


    In her intensely moving new memoir, Native Country of the Heart, Cherríe Moraga writes with piercing intimacy about her mother’s past and her own coming-of-age in a half-Mexican, half-Anglo household, where she struggled to come to terms with her own burgeoning queer identity within her family’s Catholic community. “Who needs Juan Preciado or Pedro Paramo when there is Elvira Isabel Moraga and her daughter?” author Myriam Gurba wrote of the “double memoir” in the latest issue of Ms. “As Moraga demonstrates compellingly, they are the stuff of literature, too.”


    Cherríe Moraga is a writer and cultural activist whose work serves to disrupt the dominant narratives of gender, race, sexuality, feminism, indigeneity and literature in the United States. A co-founder of Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, Moraga co-edited the highly influential volume This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color in 1981. After 20 years as an Artist-in-Residence in Theater at Stanford University, Moraga was appointed a professor in the Department of English at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2018—where, with her artistic partner Celia Herrera Rodríguez, she instituted Las Maestras Center for Xicana Indigenous Thought and Art Practice. She is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Theatre Playwriting Fellowship Award and a United States Artist Rockefeller Fellowship for Literature.


    Carmen Rios is the Digital Editor at Ms., co-founder and Contributing Editor at Argot Magazine and co-host of Trigger Happy, a weekly feminist webseries on Binge Networks. Her writing, which has been published by outlets including BuzzFeed, BITCH, Everyday Feminism, ElixHER, GrokNation, Girlboss and Feministing, spans the political and personal, emerging from her own background as a mixed-race queer woman of color raised by a working-class single mother.

  • Brooklyn 2019-04-01: Queer Film Theory 101-April!

    Queer Film Theory 101 is a monthly comedy show, hosted by comedians Sarah Kennedy and Veronica Garza, featuring LGBTQ performers “outing” the films that influenced their identity. It’s free and fabulous! This month’s performers are Jordan Kleine and Rosa Escandon! If you can’t get a ticket, don’t worry. Just show up!

  • Brooklyn 2019-04-09: The Lesbian Agenda, A Variety Show

    Did you hear that lesbians are taking over the world? Well, when they’re not getting killed off on TV shows or busy playing with their hairless felines!

    Sophie Santos and guest host Jessica Henderson bring you their Agenda™ with this banging variety show featuring the best lez, bi and queer comedians* of all time. Buckle up those Birkenstocks ladies… they’ve got big plans.

    *lineup may include straights if they are very, very funny and/or were raised by two moms.

    This month’s lineup includes Kendall Payne (Netflix), Sabrina Wu, Arti Gollapudi (Forbes) and LESBIAN ICON Jamie Babbit (But I’m a Cheerleader)!