• Apple Tablet Rumors Persist: How Steve Jobs Immaculately Conceived A New Mac

    Mac tablet rumors abound as we all completely lose our minds waiting for Apple to confirm or deny its existence. In the mean time, we have to figure out what the heck we’ll do with it. Will it change the face of technology as we know it? Do we even need an Apple tablet?

  • Jean Grey, X-Men’s X-Sexiest Lady: Why Comic Books Are Sexy

    If you need an excuse to read comic books, looking at the sexy ladies of the X-Men clad in their skintight asskicking outfits is a great place to start. Meet the hottest member of the X-Men, one of the coolest and sometimes the most batshit-crazy: Jean Grey! Also known as the Phoenix. Also known as Famke Janssen. Also just plain smokin’ hot. There are a lot of sexy X-Ladies, but she’s my numero uno, and here’s why.