Which Set of Goth Lesbian Girlfriends Is Going to Buy the Lizzie Borden House

Morbid lesbian true crime aficionados, fans of the 2018 Kristen Stewart and Chloe Sevigny vehicle, and real estate moguls will be thrilled to know that the Fall River home is for sale after 15 years of operating as a bed & breakfast. For the low low price of $2 million, honestly almost middle-of-the-road as far as Massachusetts property sales go, you too could live in the home where Lizzie Borden’s parents were killed, arguably by Lizzie Borden, as well as the attendant “business, …bed and breakfast’s website, intellectual property, and the merchandise sold there.”

The current owners (and realtor) seem to be hopeful that the property will be maintained as a bed & breakfast and tourist attraction; it also seems a prime opportunity for lesbian crime fiction writing retreats, a communal space for wealthy misanthropic gay women with bad relationships with their dads, or perhaps some sort of hatchet-throwing boot camp. There’s also some appeal to the idea of using it as a private residence; think of arguing with your wife over whether it makes more sense to buy plastic water bottles and re-use them or buy glass BPA-free ones and have to replace them when you inevitably lose them in the same kitchen where Lizzie and Bridget Sullivan may or may not have exchanged charged glances, or having to dig the car out in the winter in front of the barn where Stewart and Sevigny were depicted fucking in the film (so much scratchy hay!).

Alternatively, a quick Zillow search has revealed that in addition to the ancestral Borden home where Lizzie’s father and stepmother was murdered, also for sale is Maplecroft, the estate that Lizzie and her sister lived in for the rest of Lizzie’s life after the murder trial – and it’s a Pioneer Valley steal at only $890,000 asking price right now! I think it might be cottagecore? I’m sure you can let me know in the comments. Huge month for the Borden hive – let us know where you guys settle, send pics of what you’ve done with the place.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Sorry all, I hate to break it to you, but as a Fall River native I must tell you that this is definitely not a cottagecore experience. Fall River is a city of about 80,000 and both of these houses are smack dab in the middle of it! Mapplecroft is located more in a neighborhood, but still very urban. I love this article though cause usually news about Fall River is a.) not about lesbianism and b.) about something terrible tbh trust me!

  2. i have been to the lizzie borden bed and breakfast and can confidently say it was an a+ experience and is worth preserving.

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