Emily’s Team Pick: Intervention with Margaret Cho & Tegan and Sara Quin

Because last night was the first night of Channukah, which rhymes with Canada, we are gifting Intern Emily Choo with this fabulous team pick, which was brought to our attention by SomethingClever.

You guys like Tegan & Sara, right? And Margaret Cho? Of course you do. Here’s an amusing little music video they’ve created called “Intervention.”Ā  Aka “Sunday.”

Margaret Cho – Intervention – featuring Tegan and Sara from Margaret Cho on Vimeo.

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Emily Choo started as an intern with Autostraddle when she was 18 years old. She's now 10 years older and lives in Toronto with her partner and cat. The defining moment of her career was when Riese said this about her: " I think Emily Choo is a very bright, 'poetically inclined' girl who pays attention to everything and knows almost everything (the point of stuff, how to read, how beautiful things feel, how scary things feel, etc.) but doesn't believe/accept/realize yet that she knows almost everything." She still doesn't believe she knows anything, so, thank you, Riese, for that.

Emily has written 100 articles for us.


  1. for the record, i thought that autostraddle might include this in a daily fix tomorrow, which is WHY I DIDN’T ALERT ANYONE OF IT SOONER.

  2. I wanted to love this but I didn’t think it was that funny! Everything about it is solid, but it didn’t come together somehow. Still, there are some priceless facial expressions by everyone in this video

  3. I think this just made my day. No more hugs until you give up drugs!! This also made me want to go watch Intervention.

    • omigod, I want to peel off Tegan’s scalp, put it in my head, and pass her hair off as my own. Let’s just pretend that doesn’t make me sound like a serial killer, shall we?

      Also, I love how T&S seem like they are about to dissolve into laughter at any point.

  4. I think everyone approves, in a certain kind of way. I kinda wanna plastercast her and then use that plastercast to make a tegan replica that consists entirely of tiny puppies, is that weird too?

    I guess it is

    • nooooooooooooo

      I meant for that to be a reply to meanguacamole’s creepy serial killer comment.

      I’m sorry, internet :(

  5. I love this video. Sara is the most adorable human on the planet. ON THE PLANET.

    Also, Teegs was having a super good hair day.

  6. You guys I have a confession. I don’t think Margaret Cho is funny… like at all.

    …When are the people coming to take my lesbian card away?

    • I think she’s pretty funny. Anybody with the ovaries to stand up in front of a room full of white people and make fun of themselves for being Asian in an insightful, non-gimmicky, non-victimhood way that doesn’t reinforce the power structure gets my respect. Besides:

      “Only gay screen call.”

      • I actually just watched that clip! I like: “it was really scary having sex with a woman because I knew that I couldn’t fake it like usual.”

    • I have mixed feelings about Cho. On the one hand, I find most of her stuff really funny. But I’m not a big fan of her delivery style. You know how Mitch Hedberg’s delivery style made even his unfunny jokes hilarious? I mean, “I am saved by the buoyancy of citrus,” doesn’t work if anyone else says it.

      Cho’s sort of the opposite of that. She uses lots of long pauses, and while I get that it’s supposed to be dramatic tension, I can’t stay interested for long.

  7. When she took a knife to the piƱata I broke down and laughed deeply unattractive snort-laughs.

    I think Sara is the most adorable person on the planet but I’m not really loving her hair right now. I just want to mess it up a little.

      • THIS. I will never forgive her for this hairstyle. It was so good before, and now she looks like the little boys I used to run away from when we played Kissing Catches.

  8. 1. I like Sara’s hair cut because I can see her pretty boyish face.So win for me.

    2.I really think Margaret made this video just so she could hug T & S on video.(at least that would have been my plan, note to self must become a comedian or musician so that I can be like Margaret and hug T & S )

  9. If anyone was at T&S’s vancouver show Sara mentioned that she wanted that haircut after watching Ghost, lol. But then people started mistaking her for Justin Beiber..?
    So I don’t think she likes it all that much now.

  10. If I can just take the margaret cho out of this margaret cho video it would be wonderful. Tegan and Sara look great. But this video was just horrible, the song too.

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